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Chapter 3

Naruto pants when he finally arrives at the Hyuga Estate. He had never actually been there before. It was beautiful, but so cold. Everything about it was so perfect and inhuman, even the gardens.

"I have no idea, how Hinata didn't go insane here." He mutters to himself as he races towards the front entrance and begins pounding on the door.

Soon enough, a Hyuga opened the door. He stares at Naruto in confusion. The blonde couldn't blame him. It was highly unusual for anyone who wasn't a Hyuga to enter this place.

"I need to talk to Lord Hiashi, immediately! It's an emergency!" The young ninja thunders at the other man.

"Of course. Right away, Lord Naruto." The lavender eyed ninja says as he darts inside the building to retrieve the Hyuga Patriarch.

Naruto sighs in relief. Sometimes there were definitely some perks that came with being one of the saviors of the ninja world. This just happened to be one of them. People taking your word at face value.

He was positive that if anyone else had just barged in like that and demanded to see Hiashi Hyuga, the other man would have asked questions. He would have demanded an explanation. Thankfully, Naruto wasn't just anyone.

He was a war hero. That meant that he didn't have to face an informal interrogation. That was a very good thing because as powerful as Naruto was, he really didn't want to go through all that.

"Naruto, what brings you here? Tao, says that you wished to speak with me about an important matter?" Hiashi inquires a few moments later as he strides towards the blonde.

Naruto had never really put much stock in the whole nobility thing, but even couldn't deny that Hiashi Hyuga had a very regal air about him. His manner of walking, certainly resembled that of a King. Tall, proud, and graceful. The blonde felt like an absolute klutz in comparison.

"Yeah. Can we go somewhere private and talk?" Naruto asks.

"Of course. We can speak in my study. Follow me." Hiashi says as he turns around and heads down the hall.

Naruto sighs and follows him. This was going to be a long day. The fact that the Hyuga Estate was still in one piece was a good sign though. Sasuke hadn't been here yet. There was still time to warn him.

"Here we are." Hiashi says as he shuts the door behind them.

He wasn't entirely certain what had Naruto so panicked, but he knew that it had to be rather alarming. Naruto Uzumaki was a hard man to terrify. He had faced Madara Uchiha and lived to tell the tale. What could possibly make him look this nervous, he wonders to himself.

"Great. You guys might want to brace yourselves. Sasuke is back." Naruto says.

On second thought, maybe Madara Uchiha wasn't so bad after all. If Sasuke knew about Seiko, he was probably going to make Madara look like a newborn puppy. Adorable and utterly unthreatening. Sasuke would likely level the village to the ground, if he knew the truth.

"As the village is still standing, I'm assuming he doesn't know the truth. Sasuke is unaware that he is a father." He states confidently.

"Oh he knows. He just decided going to see Hinata was more important than finding you. You had better be careful though. The bastard has a temper on a good day and you disowned the mother of his child. Sasuke is going to be furious. I mean I don't want to be overdramatic, but an evacuation might not be a bad idea." The blonde warns him.

Hiashi eyes widen. Sasuke knew about Seiko and the disownment. This wouldn't end well. There was a very good chance that he would burn the entire Leaf Village to the ground in retribution.

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