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Chapter 2

Sasuke frowns as he realizes he didn't really know where Hinata would be. She certainly wasn't going to be at the Hyuga Estate. It was rather obvious that Naruto hadn't taken her in. That fact infuriated him on principle, but he would deal with the loser later. For now, his sole focus was on finding Hinata and his child.

"I'll just ask Sakura." He mutters to himself.

He could go back and ask Naruto, but Sasuke didn't want to do that. The eldest Uchiha knew that there was a very good chance delivering the beating of a lifetime to his friend, if he doubled back to ask the blonde where Hinata was. So that meant that he was going to have to ask Sakura.

The Uchiha flits off towards the medic's home and knocks on her door. Sasuke wasn't particularly eager to see his former teammate, but he didn't really have a choice. Sakura would know where Hinata was and that was what was most important. That meant that he would endure a reunion with Sakura.

"Sasuke?" Sakura asks in a stunned voice only a moment or two later.

Sakura had answered almost immediately. She was a ninja. Reacting quickly to your environment could be the difference between life or death. So perhaps it was to be expected.

"Sakura, where's Hinata? Naruto told me everything. I need to find her. I know that she's not at the Hyuga Estate and I'm betting that you know where she is staying now." He says.

Sakura bites her lower lip. She had always known that Sasuke could be rather abrasive, but the pink haired woman had thought that he would at least say hello first. Then again, Sasuke had just found out he had a child that he never knew about. Of course, he was going to want to see his son immediately. It was only natural.

"Sasuke, come inside. I'm sure that there is a lot that Naruto didn't tell you, that you still need to know." She says.

The raven haired Uchiha clenches his fist so hard that he could feel his fingernails digging into his skin as he tried to control his temper. Sakura was only trying to help. She was probably right. He SHOULD take a few moments to collect himself, but it really wasn't that easy.

Ever since he was a boy, Sasuke had wanted his family back. Now he had a child. A child that he didn't even know about until today. He couldn't help but feel guilty.

Sasuke should have been there for Hinata while she was pregnant. He certainly should have been there for his son or daughter when she or he was born. He was a complete stranger to his own son or daughter and that thought horrified him. Sasuke felt like a complete failure as a father. He didn't even know if he had a son or daughter.

"Alright." Sasuke says through gritted teeth.

His instincts were screaming at him to just force Sakura to tell him where Hinata was by any means necessary. The pink haired woman was strong though. She definitely wasn't that weak girl who had been in "love" with him as a child anymore.

She was now a grown woman and one of the strongest ninjas in the Five Nations. That didn't mean he couldn't end her, if he wanted to though. He could squash her like a bug. Sasuke just wasn't going to do so because it would be wrong. He wouldn't do it. He wasn't like that anymore.

"Great. Why don't you have a seat on the couch and we can talk? Can I get you anything? Tea or something to eat, maybe?" Sakura asks as she mentally sighs in relief.

He was trying to be a better person. Violence shouldn't be his first solution to everything. It should be his second or third solution, at least.

That and Sakura was Sasuke's former teammate. That should mean something. He couldn't hurt her for being reasonable. It was just that the eldest Uchiha was feeling anything but reasonable at the moment.

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