Chapter 16

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Chapter Notation: Warnings will be put up before and after Sasuke's Revenge. Read at your own risk. It is extremely brutal.

Chapter 16

The clone makes his way to the Land of Rice. Sasuke couldn't lie. He was surprised when he saw Hiashi was actually there. Whether that meant he was in on the plot or not, the Uchiha Patriarch couldn't say.

It was possible that they had sent him on ahead to make it look realistic. There was also the chance that Hiashi was completely ignorant of the attempt on his life. One way or another, Sasuke was going to find out the truth.

"Sasuke." He greets him simply.

"Hiashi, tell me the truth. If you do not, I'll knock you out and take you to the Interrogation Unit. Did you have anything to do with the fact that several members of your Clan plotted against me? They wanted to assassinate me by causing my carriage to fall over a cliff." He says.

Sasuke watches Hiashi's reaction carefully. The Hyuga Patriarch was a skilled ninja. The man was probably gifted in the art of deception, but there were almost always signs. Little things in one's expression, body language, or voice tended to give away when most people were lying.

"They what?!" Hiashi demands.

"Clearly, they intended to lure me to my death by invoking this ceremony. I want to know, if you had anything to do with it. If you lie to me, I will find out and you're death will be even more gruesome. I love Hinata, but I can't let this go. This has gone well beyond the point of First Blood." Sasuke hisses at him.

Hiashi's blood ran cold. He doubted that Sasuke would make a false claim about an assassination attempt. Once again, he was forced to admit that the eldest Uchiha was an honest man. Whatever his other faults were, lying wasn't one of them.

"I had no idea. I assure you that they will be suitably punished. I may not like you, but you're the father of my grandchild. For reasons that I will never understand, Hinata loves you. That means something." The lavender eyed man replies.

"You have the strangest way of issuing an apology that I have ever seen." Sasuke mutters in annoyance.

"Sorry. I suppose that old habits die hard. We have never really had the warmest relationship. Despite that, I am a man of honor. I promise you that I shall deal with this situation." He assures him.

Sasuke raises an eyebrow. Hiashi didn't sincerely think that was that, did he? He couldn't possibly be that naïve.

"Whether or not you are a man of honor, remains to be seen. Thus far, I am not inclined to agree. A man of honor wouldn't abandon his own blood. Your assurances mean NOTHING to me. If you think that I am going to leave you to give them a slap on the wrist for their misdeeds, you're sadly mistaken." The raven haired man snaps at him.

"I understand why you feel that way. I was only doing what I thought would be best for my Clan. You're a Clan Head now. Granted, it's a small one. Surely, you can understand now though." He says.

Sasuke smirks at the small Clan reference. It was about to get a little less small in a few months. He knew that it was childish, but he couldn't wait to throw that in the other man's face.

The Uchiha bit his tongue though. Hinata might not want Hiashi to know that yet. For now, he was going to keep her pregnancy a secret from the other Clan Head. It was tempting though. Really tempting to throw it in his face.

"I'm certain that you believed you were doing what was best. I would NEVER do to Seiko what you did to Hinata. I suppose that is the difference between us though." Sasuke snarls at him.

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