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Chapter 4

Sasuke and Hinata were discussing possible locations for their new home, when someone knocked on the door. The eldest Uchiha didn't particularly care of the look of panic on her face when that happened. Sasuke says and gives her a reassuring look before retreating into the kitchen.

Hinata was willing to at least maintain a cordial relationship with him for Seiko's sake, but she hadn't really thought through the consequences of such a decision. The Hyuga woman hadn't pondered how the rest of the village would react to them being "together." For now, he'd be "kind" and just try to avoid being seen. She needed some time to figure out what they were going to do about the public aspect of their relationship and he was willing to give her that.

"Thank you." Hinata whispers to him before heading off to answer the door.

Hinata opens the door and blinks when she saw her team was there. Her entire team. Kurenai Sensei, Kiba, and Shino. They were all standing on her doorstep.

"Hinata, please don't shut the door. We only want to talk." Kurenai says.

She bites her lower lip. The bluenette really didn't want to drag them into her problems, especially not now. Not when Sasuke was currently "hiding" in the kitchen.

"I know that you all just want to help and I appreciate it, but you can't help me." Hinata mumbles.

Kiba sighs. He hated how vulnerable she looked. Hinata looked only a breath or two away from panicking. Damn Hiashi.

He certainly didn't like the fact that Hinata had gotten pregnant by Sasuke Uchiha. The Inuzuka wasn't an idiot though. He knew why. When you were only a few hours away from freezing to death, you'd do just about anything to get warm.

"Hinata, we're your friends. You know that we are just trying to help. It's nice that you are worried about our reputations, but you're more important than what some random villagers think about us. Our real friends will understand." Kiba insists.

Hinata smiles. Kiba could be so sweet when he wanted to be. Part of her wished that she could take them up on their offer. Unfortunately, the bluenette knew that she couldn't.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to put you through that. Please, go." She whispers.

That's when Shino's eyes narrow. One of his insects flies back to him. The insect lover always sent out at least a few of his bugs to search his surroundings. It was standard procedure to him.

Apparently, it was a good thing that he had made it a habit to do this. His insect had just told him that she had spotted Sasuke Uchiha. Shino knew that this ladybug would never lie to him. That meant that Sasuke was here.

"You want us to go, but he's allowed to stay? The man that is responsible for your unpleasant situation can stay, but not your own teammates?" Shino demands in a quiet, seething voice.

Kurenai covers her mouth in shock. Sasuke was here. She didn't know whether that was a good or a bad thing. If the Uchiha was here, that meant he probably knew about Seiko. Most likely, the raven haired ninja knew about the disownment. If that was true, there was a very good chance that Sasuke would try to destroy the Leaf.

"Hinata, is that true? Is he really here?" She whispers.

The young mother gulps. This could get ugly and fast. She had no idea what to do. Shino knew where Sasuke was. It was unlikely that Sasuke knew that he knew though. He wouldn't have any time to get out of there or hide better.

"From the look on her face, I'd say it is true. Hinata, are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Kiba asks in concern.

That did it. Sasuke had exceptional hearing and the apartment really wasn't that big. He wasn't going to let THAT accusation stand! How DARE Kiba accuse him of being abusive to the mother of his child?!

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