Chapter 17:Epilouge

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Chapter 17

"Sister! Sister! Look what father taught me!" Seiko calls out.

Mikoto tilts her head to the side and toddles over to her older brother. The Uchiha Princess, as Sasuke called her, was now two years old. By this time, she had mastered the art of walking.

"Magics?" She asks cutely and Seiko nods.

He leads her outside. For some reason, mother really didn't want him to try this inside the house. Oh well. He didn't mind showing off his newest trick outside.

"Watch! Watch! Fireball Jutsu: Phoenix Flower Style!" He says and he blows flames out of his mouth.

Mikoto watches with wide eyes and claps. Her big brother had magics now too. She was sure that she'd be taught how to do the fire flower magic soon. She might only be two, but she figured it was a trick that only big people could do.

"Pretty! Pretty magic!" She says excitedly and giggles.

"I still can't believe that you taught our four year old son how to make fireballs!" Hinata says as she walks outside with Sasuke.

They had both felt the chakra spike. That and the fact that they smelled smoke probably had something to do with it. Hinata was still of the opinion that child with fireballs required constant supervision. Sasuke apparently thought that, "Boys will be boys."

"I know. I didn't expect him to be able to actually do it for a couple years, but he really wanted to try." Sasuke replies.

"Sasuke, that is NOT the point!" Hinata says as she places her hands on her hips.

"You're such a cute kitten, especially when you pretend to be angry." Sasuke tells her and he kisses his wife's forehead.

Seiko was quite pleased with his newly discovered ability and his sister's reaction. One day, he was sure that Mikoto would be able to do it as well. His father had told him that it was a family tradition. Mikoto just wasn't old enough yet.

"Alright. We can try." Sasuke finally relented.

"Yay! I can do it! I know that I can! I'm big now! Just like you!" Seiko said.

Sasuke shook his head in amusement and led his son outside. The youngest male Uchiha knew that his father thought that he was too young to do this. Sasuke had told him that he hadn't managed it till he was six or seven. Seiko knew that he could do it though! He was going to prove it too!

"Well you're definitely getting bigger. Just don't be too upset, if it takes a few years for you to manage this. Now watch what I do and try to copy me." Sasuke explained simply.

He performed the necessary hand signs and summoned up the required chakra. A short while later, he slowly pronounced the name of the Jutsu and a giant fireball was blown out of his mouth. He knew that the name of the Jutsu was likely going to be a mouthful for the four year old. Actually, just saying the name correctly was likely going to pose a serious challenge to his son.

It took at least half a dozen tries. Seiko was getting really frustrated. So far all that he had managed was some smoke and a few sparks.

"Alright, Seiko. I think that's enough for today. You did really well. The fact that you got smoke is a good sign. It means that you are performing the technique correctly. You just don't have enough chakra yet. That's not your fault. You're still really young." Sasuke assured him.

"No! No! I can do it! FIREBALL JUTSU: PHOENIX FLOWER STYLE!" He tried again and this time he managed a fireball.

A real one! It wasn't anywhere near as big as his daddy's, but it wasn't just sparks anymore. Seiko grinned triumphantly.

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