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Chapter 5

A few days had passed since Sasuke challenged Hiashi. Currently, Sasuke was staying at Hinata's apartment while he searched for a "suitable house." Hinata was just hoping that Sasuke's version of "suitable" didn't turn out to be an Estate that could rival her family's home. With Sasuke, this was apparently a valid concern. He seemed quite intent on spoiling Seiko.

Hinata didn't really have the heart to protest. It was strangely adorable, even if it was slightly exasperating at times. Seiko's toy box was rapidly becoming filled to the brim with the various toys that Sasuke had decided the baby "needed."

"Good morning, Hinata." Kurenai says after Hinata answered the door.

Hinata smiles. Ever since Team Eight had "reunited," her teammates stopped by almost daily to visit with her and Seiko. She didn't doubt for a second that they genuinely wanted to see her, Hinata knew that there was another reason why they were visiting so much. They were checking on Sasuke.

Her teammates wanted to make sure that the Uchiha was behaving himself. Thankfully, Sasuke either hadn't realized this or was too polite to comment on it. She hoped it stayed that way. The last thing she needed was another fight between her teammates and her son's father.

"Good morning, Kurenai Sensei." Hinata answers with a smile.

It was nice to see Team Eight. She had missed them horribly. Keeping them at arm's length hadn't been easy, but Hinata had sincerely thought that she was protecting them. Apparently, that hadn't been the case.

"How are you? Where are Sasuke and Seiko?" Kurenai inquires in confusion.

The Genjutsu Mistress was puzzled by the fact that the Uchihas weren't beside Hinata. Rarely, did Hinata let her son out of her sight and Sasuke seemed to be taking the same hands-on approach to parenting. So the three of them were nearly inseparable at the moment.

"Oh their both sleeping." Hinata says with a giggle.

"Sleeping, but it's nearly Noon?" The red eyed ninja replies in astonishment.

Hinata smiles. It seemed that Sasuke when given the option was a night owl. Seiko took after his father in that respect. If they weren't forced to wake up before lunch time, they weren't going to.

Oh Sasuke was fully capable of getting up early. He was capable of functioning at a high capacity as well. It was just obvious that her lover would much prefer to sleep away half the day and stay up until the wee hours of the morning. Seiko was mirroring his father's strange sleeping habits.

"Sasuke is not a morning person. Neither is Seiko." Hinata informs her.

"Oh. Well that's cute. It's nice to see that they have things in common already. How are the two of you getting along?" Kurenai asks cautiously.

Hinata pauses as she considers how to answer that question and gets some tea out of the fridge. She really didn't know. Sasuke was certainly quite eager to spend time to Seiko and he hadn't said an unkind word to her yet, but it was still awkward.

Neither of them really knew how to act around the other, when Seiko wasn't there to act as a buffer. Were they supposed to be lovers or just friends who happened to have a son together?

"Good. He's been wonderful with Seiko and we haven't been fighting." Hinata answers honestly.

"I'm glad that he's taking to fatherhood so well, but I think we both know that isn't what I meant. I meant how are YOU two getting along. It's obvious that he adores your son, Hinata." Kurenai insists.

"I don't k-now. Like I said, we haven't been fighting. He s-pared father because he knew it would upset me, if he didn't. So I know that he cares about my feelings. I just don't know to what extent. He sleeps on the couch though, if that's what you are asking." She mumbles as a deep blush soon spreads across her face.

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