Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

A few days later, it was Saturday. Sasuke and Hinata didn't have to teach on the weekend. Hinata was now out with the female members of the Rookie Nine, Kurenai, and Tsunade. They were having a "Girls' Day Out."

Sasuke didn't really want to know what went on during these excursions. He filed that firmly under the I Don't Want To Know Category. That wasn't what mattered though.

"Don't worry, Seiko. She'll be back soon." Sasuke says as he continues preparing dinner.

What mattered was that Hinata would likely have a good time, spending the day with her friends. That and she would be in a good mood when she returned. That was definitely something that would be rather helpful in his "Mission."

Seiko watches as his daddy curiously. He wasn't sure where mommy was, but daddy didn't seem worried. So Seiko was sure that she'd be back. He still didn't know what Sasuke was up to though.

"I'm going to propose to her." He tells Seiko.

He didn't really know why he was telling his son that. It wasn't as if the baby had any idea what he was talking about. Sasuke supposed that it was because it filled the silence and soothed his nerves.

The Uchiha didn't know why he was nervous. They already had a son together. They lived together and they were lovers. This was just making it official. Essentially, they were married in all but name.

"Dada?" Seiko asks curiously and Sasuke's eyes widen.

He was so in shock that Seiko said his first official word, that he forgot he was cooking over the stove. Sasuke was soon reminded of that fact when the fire licked his hand.

"Ahh!" He growls and immediately moves his hand, putting some aloe on it.

"Dada?" Seiko asks in a concerned voice.

"I'm fine, Seiko. Yes, dada." He says proudly and scoops up his son and rocks him.

Seiko coos and giggles. Daddy must be okay. He seemed very happy. Seiko smiles and snuggles into his chest.

"Such a good boy." Sasuke praises him, ignoring the pain in his hand from the burn as he looks at Seiko and the ring that he was planning on giving Hinata.

It was a golden wedding band with a white diamond heart surrounded by a golden frame and more white diamonds surrounding it. Once upon a time, it had belonged to his mother. Sasuke thought it would be fitting, if it ended up belonging to the mother of his child now.

Seiko blinks as he sees the ring. Shiny. He reaches out for it and Sasuke keeps it out of his grasp.

"No. No. I love you, but this isn't something that you want to put in your mouth. You could choke on it." Sasuke says as he places the ring inside his pocket.

Seiko pouts slightly at being denied the chance to investigate the shiny thing. He liked shiny things. They were fun to play with.

"Dada?" He asks, figuring that maybe that would do the trick.

"You're clever. Already trying to butter me up and you aren't even a year old." Sasuke says with a smile as he kisses Seiko's forehead.

The infant coos in response. He was still confused about the ring, but maybe he'd figure it out later. For now, he was just happy to be the center of his daddy's attention.

"You're mother is going to be so proud of you. Hopefully, you'll say it in front of her too." Sasuke muses.

He wasn't exactly sure how talkative Seiko was going to be. There was a chance that he might be shy about his newfound ability in front of Hinata. Sasuke hoped that wasn't going to be the case, but he knew that it was a real possibility.

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