🏹Trust part 2🏹

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Angst go brrrr here we go!! Trigger warning for abuse, blood, kidnapping, comas and drugging of minors.

It'd been maybe a week, he couldn't tell time much at this rate, since he'd woken up in this dark room tied to a chair.

Thousands of tiny cuts covered his body, littering his arms and legs, even his torso and neck. His face wasn't even left untouched.

He laid in the corner of the room, having crawled away while being attacked by his own brother, only to get too weak to move again.

He'd been given food and water at the least. After all, Wilbur's plan wasn't to let him die of dehydration or starvation.

But he was tired of it all, everytime he ate, he felt a bit better, only to be covered in more cuts wherever there was room for more.

He was close to passing out again, that's basically the only sleep he got, when he heard voices talking outside the room.

"Where the fuck is Tommy, Wil?!"

"I already told you, I don't know where he is."

"Yes you do, you crazy bastard, where's my little brother!?"

"Now you call him that, huh. You haven't even called me brother in a long time, yet you call little 'Theseus' brother."

"Stop dancing around, William. where is Tommy. I won't ask again, unless it's my axe doing the talking."

Tommy tried to move, tried to let out a noise, anything to alert the visitor into finding him. He knew who it was, though he didn't recognize Techno's voice at first.

He ended up getting close to the chair that still sat in the room with him, nudging it slightly and wincing when it made a squeak across the metal floor.

All conversation stopped.

Then it started up again.

"Technoblade, don't you dare go in there!"

"Like I'll listen to you! You fucking kidnapped Tommy, you psycho bitch!"

Footsteps were echoing closer to the door, their sound getting fainter as Tommy struggled to stay awake.

He heard Wilbur yell, having been pushed away by the piglin. The door handle, which was always locked when Tommy tried to open it, twisted slowly with a terrible squeak.

Tommy reached out as the door opened, barely crawling towards the figure who stepped inside before passing out, his trail of blood leading from a large puddle in the corner.

Techno quickly kneeled down beside the unconscious teen, pulling out his phone and dialing their father as he checked how many injuries Tommy had.

"Shit..." The piglin muttered as the bird picked up.

"Did you find him!?"

"I did, he's... just get to Wilbur's bunker, y'know the place we thought he abandoned? Turns out he'd kidnapped Tommy and brought him here."

The line went dead, Techno put his phone away and gently picked up the teen, wrapping his cape around him and walking out of the room.

"Good job, you found him. But were you quic-"

Techno cut his insane brother off with a punch to the face, knocking him back into a metal table.

"Shut the fuck up, William."

Techno walked to the bunker door, walking outside as a shadow was cast over the entrance. He looked up at his father's dark wings decending down.

"How's Tommy? Is he okay?! What did-" Philza stopped himself, seeing his youngest wrapped in Techno's cape, blood still soaking into the fabric and staining it an even deeper crimson.

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