🏹Opposite of a good day🏹

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Nightmare in this is VERY different to other versions of him in past oneshots, sorry if you get confused

Dream had been acting off all day, muttering to himself, pausing mid sentence and then acting as if nothing happened, running off suddenly after conversations.

The others didn't want to admit they felt similar, weird, since the day began. Almost everyone on the server was acting up, save for a few people.

BBH, Philza and Dream seemed to be acting up the most, which worried their friends.

Around 3 in the afternoon, George decided to call everyone together. Some couldn't join the meeting, which was fine. But once the ones that could attend made it, George began to talk.

"We all agree that today feels odd, right?" The crowd agreed in a hushed murmur.

"Anyone have a clue why?"

Three hands shot up, George pointed to one and asked them to speak.

"Our opposites are antsy and want to come out." Phil stated, whispers overtaking the group.

"Phil and I can't be here if they come out, ours are too dangerous.." Bad stated, his hand having been one of the hands that was raised.

Dream pulled his hand down and nodded in agreement to Bad's words.

George gave a small sigh, blinking a little as he processed the situation.

"Alright. Who here knows of their opposite?" George asked, seeing only a few hands shoot up, those being Philza, Bad, Dream and surprisingly Tubbo.

Tommy was a little slack-jawed at the fact his best friend had never said anything about having an opposite. Wilbur and Techno had similar reactions to both Tubbo and Phil.

George sighed again, pulling off his glasses. "Opposites are parts of a person that can take over your body without warning. Most of you haven't interacted with yours so they are still dormant. Dream, can you come up and demonstrate what an opposite is?" He asked, eyeing the masked man.

"Sure, one second." Dream walked through the crowd to the small platform George had made to stand on.

He stepped onto the platform, turning to face the crowd. He seemed to relax, and in a split second, his hoodie faded to a deep red and his mask changed to black with a white frown.

Everyone stood in awe at the sight, unsure of what to say. "Dream" seemed to tense up, arms going to hug himself.

"Holy crap that's a lot of people.. Dream didn't warn me.." He mumbled, but the group heard. George walked beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Its alright, Nightmare. Did Dream at least tell you the situation?" He asked, receiving a nod.

"The others are impatient.. I can sense it even without being told.." Nightmare replied, turning to face George.

Bad gasped a little from the crowd, the edges of his black jacket turning white.

George and Nightmare turned their attention to Bad, as did most of the crowd. Phil rushed through the people, grabbing the angel's arm and pulling him out of the area.

Skeppy stood in shock, watching as his best friend was pulled away. His blue hoodie began to turn orange in random areas, which startled the people near him.

"Oh crap, me coming out triggered them all to start. I'll work on getting the dangerous ones out, you calm the safe ones." Nightmare jumped down from the platform, rushing straight to Tubbo and grabbing his hand.

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