🏹Snap II🏹

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This starts during the middle of the first part, where Fundy sees Tommy die in the chat and questions what happened.

"No reponse. I wonder what the hell happened. Probably just got in a fight, or something." Fundy muttered to himself, putting his phone back in his pocket.

He was just walking around, having a peaceful day. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the red themed teen running in the direction of a tower that Tubbo had built a few days prior.

Fundy wondered what Tommy was doing, and that curiosity only grew when he saw Wilbur chasing after the blonde. The fox decided not to intervene, heading back to his house to grab a snack since he ran out of food.

He ended up falling asleep after eating, not realizing how tired his walk had made him. He woke up almost four hours later.

When Fundy opened his eyes, he wasn't in his house, not on his bed where he had fallen asleep. He was in a dark room, sitting on the floor against the wall in a corner.

His eyes adjusted to the darkness quickly, noticing a door across the room. He went to stand up, but the second he tried to get up, he felt abnormally weak.

He looked down at himself, seeing pale purple-grey swirls drifting off his body.

"Potion of weakness, how fun.." He stated, shifting to a more comfortable position since he knew he was going to be here for a while.

He closed his eyes, waiting for anything to happen. After what seemed like an hour, the door finally opened. Light flooded the room, making Fundy flinch from the brightness.

He looked up, his eyes taking time to adjust to the light. He saw the silhouette of a person, but they had one feature that set them apart from anyone here. Their silhouette had large ram horns.

"Why am I here, Schlatt?" Fundy hissed, watching the goatman close the door and walk towards him.

"Its a simple reason really, Fundy. Quackity can't always do all my dirty work. I need another assistant." Schlatt replied with bitter enthusiasm.

"Like I'd help you. You're an asshole to everyone you meet." Fundy snapped, trying to move to attack Schlatt, but the weakness was still overwhelming.

"Oh, you don't have to help, well.. not willingly." The goat replied with a sly grin, his words sending chills down the fox's spine.

"What do you mean by "willingly"? I doubt you don't have blackmail on me, so you can't manipulate me into helping with your sick plans."

"True, true. But you're forgetting one thing, fox." Schlatt kneeled down in front of Fundy, his eyes void of any emotion so it was hard to tell what he was planning.

"W-what's that one thing?" Fundy questioned, mentally cursing at himself for stuttering.

"I'm Jschlatt. And I get what I fucking want." The goat answered with a startling calmness.

Schlatt stood back up, straightening his suit and dusting it off slightly. Fundy had to shake off the fear and intimidation he felt from Schlatt just then.

"Quackity, bring it in!" He called towards the door, soon after Quackity walked in holding a bottle in one hand and sword in the other.

Fundy was unsure which of the items Schlatt wanted, but both set off red flags in his head. The bottle set off more than the sword, which worried the fox.

Schlatt took both items from Quackity, who just stepped back and looked at the ground. Fundy realized that Quackity wasn't comfortable being here.

Schlatt put the sword into a sheath at his side, pulling out a bucket of milk.

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