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  It was late in the evening, the sun was setting and it would be dangerous to be outside soon with mobs spawning everywhere.

  Despite this, he kept walking. He needed a bit of time where he could just walk down the prime path and clear his thoughts.

  Everything was a mess lately, but he trudged through it. He rubbed his eyes, hearing an enderman teleport somewhere behind him. He ignored the noise, continuing on his way.
   He felt his shoulders be grabbed, but before he could turn to see who'd grabbed him, a dark clawed hand raked across his face while another hand clamped over his mouth, rendering him unable to make much noise.

  His screams were muffled. His face now containing four large gashes that crossed over his eyes. His hands flew up to try and pull off whoever or whatever was attacking him, but he just got rewarded with more deep slashes in his arms and torso.

  Blood was soaking his clothes, and he was panicking too much for his own safety. He soon went limp, having hyperventilated and grown weak from bloodloss.

  The figure holding him dropped the teen's bloody form onto the prime path, shaking their hands free of blood. They walked away without a moments notice, having no doubt that someone might've heard the teen's cries despite being muffled.

  It wasn't until maybe a few hours later, when a certain demon was strolling around in the night, enjoying the darkness, when he spotted the injured teen.

  The voice in his head was cheering, excited that he was hurt and possibly dead, but the demon ignored it and rushed over to the bleeding blonde.

  "Tommy? Oh my goodness- who- what- I need to get you to Puffy, she'll know what to do.." The demon stumbled through his thoughts, finally picking up the unconscious teen gently and rushing towards the sheep's home.

  The demon hit the door with his foot, trying to get the attention of the sheep inside.
   "Puffy! Puffy please open the door!"

  After a few minutes of knocking and calling out to the sheep, the door opened to a tired woman who was rubbing her eyes.

  "What do you want, Bad? It's midnig-" She stopped herself, seeing the teen in his arms.

  "I was on a walk on the prime path because I like when its dark and I saw him like this, I don't know what to do, Puffy please I don't want Tommy to die, what do I do-"

  "Bad, calm down. Bring him inside and put him on my bed. I'll get the medical supplies, you just try to relax." She instructed, opening the door more so the demon could go inside.

   The demon nodded with a shaky breath, walking in and putting the injured teen down on the bed. The sheep had closed the door behind him, quickly rushing to grab her medical supplies.

  "Bad, call Sam, he has more experience with this stuff so I might need his help." The sheep called from the other room, the demon fumbling to get his phone out to call the creeper.


  "Sam! You need to get to Puffy's right now, it's an emergency!"

  "Bad? What's going on? Is Puffy hurt? Do I need to grab my sword?"

  "Grab your medical supplies, Sam, and hurry. We don't have much time judging by his wounds." The sheep spoke for the demon, hearing the line go dead sharply after.

  "These are deep, too deep for a mob, plus it looks like he put up a struggle.. like he was being held back from fighting." The sheep stated as she removed the torn shirt from the teen, cleaning his claw marks gently.

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