16- Him

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Summary: enby_ofdoom 's request

T/W: transphobia and bullying

Normal people AU


"Tubbo!" Coach Taken called as the boys gym class slowly walked in before the bell rang, "You know where to go right?"

"Yes sir!" Tubbo smiled and jogged into a gender fluid bathroom to change.

As the brunette changed inside the bathroom a blonde stood outside with his arms crossed, glaring at three boys who sat in the bleachers already changed. They boys sneered at him then continued talking amongst themselves.

The door opened and Tubbo smiled up at his friend, "Hey Toms!"

"Hey Bubs, Ranboo is still getting changed, he got here late." Tommy said as he and the brunette walked to the bleachers together.

After a few minutes of waiting Ranboo came out of the locker room and sat with his other two friends. Once everyone was dressed out in their gym clothes Coach Taken blew a whistle signaling for the boys to go to him.

"All right boys," someone whispered something and a group of boys laughed quietly, "Is something funny?"

"Heh, sorry Coach it's just you said boys referring to everyone." One said.

"And? Where's the joke?" The blonde coach knew where this was going and was ready to put these boys in their place.

Tubbo tensed up and shrunk behind Ranboo and Tommy.

"It's just," another boy said, pausing to laugh, "not everyone here is a boy."

The adult looked around at every student, stopping on Tubbo, before turning back to the group of boys, "This is the boys gym class, meaning everyone in my class is a boy. It doesn't matter who they are or what they were all that matters is that right now they are a boy."

"Tabitha isn't-"

"Shut the fuxk up right now." Tommy growled taking a step towards the boys.

"Or what?"

"I'll fuxking show you bitxh!" Tommy yelled.

Before any of the boys made a move Ranboo stood behind the blonde, towering over every one. The bully's looked at each other hesitantly before backing off and grumbling rude remarks.

"Look at all that energy, now use it and run laps for the rest of the class." Taken grinned at the boys.


"Do it," the boys groaned and took off running lazily, "püssies.."

The rest of the class erupted into laughter at the coach's remark.

Tubbo turned to Tommy and tugged on the blonde's sleeve, "Thanks Toms.."

The taller laughed and patted his friend's head softly, "Anytime bubs."

The brunette turned and smiled to Ramboo, "And thanks to you too Boo."

"You're welcome Bee."




ALSO, have you drank water today? Or eaten at least a snack?

In case you haven't go do that real quick :)

And have an apple too


And if no one's said it to you yet today, I love you guys :)

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