8- Roots

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Summary: Hair grows, roots show


4 years ago

Tommy sat in his room glaring at a picture of him and Phil, his father's blonde hair shining in the sun while his dull brown hair pointed out at all angles.

"I wanna be like you Dad!" He had told his father once.

His father had just smiled sadly at him.

The brunette growled under his breath and pulled out his phone and called his bestfriend, "Eyy Big Man! Got any hair bleach by any chance?"


"Toms is this a good idea? I mean your dad said no when you asked him yesterday." The light haired blonde asked nervously as Tommy mixed the hair bleach together.

"You worry too much bud, this is a great idea." The soon to be blonde grinned widely.

Tubbo bit his lip hesitantly then pulled out another box of hair dye, this one was brown, Tommy raised a brow but said nothing and smirked.

After Tommy applied the bleach to his hair and Tubbo the brown dye to his the shorter stared at his friend for a moment before asking, "Do you think maybe you should bleach your eyebrows? It might make your hair look more natural."

"Sure, unless it makes my eyebrows fall out." Tommy said as he started reading the box.

Half an hour later Tommy's hair was orange and Tubbo's was successfully turned brown. Tubbo helped get all the toner into Tommy's hair so it wouldn't stay orange and would look blonde. After waiting another half hour Tommy washed his hair along with Tubbo so they could finally see the final product of their hair.

Lets just say Phil and Schlatt weren't very pleased but Tommy and Tubbo were.


4 years later, present

"Tommyyy!" Tubbo said loudly as he layed on the side of his bed upside down.

"Yeah bud?" The blonde responded while doing math homework.

"I can see your rootssss!" He giggled.

Tommy glanced over and saw his friend's hair standing on end since he was upside down and grinned leaning back in his chair fully looking over, "Yeah well I can see yours too."

"Is it time to re-dye our hair?" Tubbo quickly sat up smiling widely.

Tommy nodded.

"I'll get the stuff!"


woo finally an update!

sorry i've been updating so slowly recently i've been logged in to my other wp account ':P



Also i got a job :]

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