11- Babysitting The Bench Trio

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lower case intended

summary: THEGGGGGGGGGGG 's request

tommy: 14

ranboo: 15

tubbo: 12

philza: dad age idk

background information: phil is always away on quests so he never really sees any of his sons. and ranboo-

origins au


"and you're sure you can handle the boys?" wilbur asked as he packed the last of his suplies.

"if i can handle a dragon i can handle two teenage boys and tubbo." the blonde scoffed.

technoblade laughed, "we'll see.."

"wilby! techno! are you leaving?" tommy ran into the room followed by tubbo and ranboo.

"yep, wish us luck on finding dream and his followers." wilbur pat his younger brother's head.

the twins turned to phil and nodded, the father figure hugged them, "be safe boys."

"when are we ever not safe." techno pushed away.

"well there's the time wilbur shot technoblade with a crossbow-" tubbo said cluelessly.

"we gotta go!" wilbur ran out dragging techno along.



the four sat at the kitchen table staring at eachother in silence before tommy spoke up.

"so dad- i mean phil! cause i totally dont see you as a father figure or anything phil if anything i see you as a uh o-old man yeah yeah-" tommy nervously laughed.

"shut it toms, phil can you show us your wings?" tubbo cut in.

(im watching the Fred 3 movie. its 10pm what am i doing with my life-)

"um," the man glanced at his bandaged wings, "i guess they're healed enough
lets go outside so i have enough room."

"yay!" the boys cheered.


"woah.." ranboo calmly looked at phils wings while tommy and tubbo circled the man.


"sorry phil-" tommy quickly pulled back his hand, "are you ok?"

tubbo went to touch the others wing but ranboo quickly grabbed it.

"yes im fine, i guess my wing isn't as healed as i thought it was." phil laughed.

"what happened to your wings anyway?" ranboo tilted his head.

"lets go in an i'll tell you guys."


"you fought dream?!" the trio yelled.

"yep. it was just me against dream and he got me down and tried to cut off my wings, but thankfully techno was there to help me." phil said as he carefully wrapped his wings again.

"wait so techno and will went after dream alone..?" ranboo nervously glanced to the other two boys.

"dont loose faith in them, boys," phil pulled the three into a hug, "i trained them so they'll be fine!"

"but dad didnt you train dream too...?" tommy murmured.

before phil could answer the front door swung open and techno stumbled in carrying an unconscious wilbur.



eyy another update :D

i havent fed yall in a while so here ya gooo


anyways imma go sleep now :]


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