5- My Prince

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Summary: A prince and a runaway prince

T/W: Blood and Violence

Royal and Hybrid AU

Note: Tubbo has said hes now ok with people using his irl name, I'm not gonna use it I'm just gonna hint to it.



That was all that was going through my mind.

"Get him!" The man I called my father yelled as I rushed through the closing gates.

I stumbled through the thick forest as I heard guards following me, I made it to a river when I stopped, gasping for air. Thinking I was safe I leaned against a tree but then suddenly I heard a twig snap behind me.

I whipped my head around and saw two guards, a blonde and a black haired boy. I took a hesitant step back, nearly falling into the river.

They looked at me, their eyes filled with sadness. It was Sapnap and Dream, they've known me since I was young and even trained me and taught me how to fight.

Dream nodded and Sapnap took a step forward and handed me a golden dagger with green and orange gems, "Dissapear kid."

They took off in a different direction, "He's over here!"

They didn't look back and neither did I as I jumped accross the river and ran.


Its been nearly a month since I 'died' and I haven't eaten in three days. I was still deep in the woods and had no idea where I was going.


I ducked behind a tree as a boy sprinted through the trees, he carried a bow. As he ran past he must of seen me since he aimed at me, I yelped and ducked as he fired an arrow. I ran in a random direction, he was following me since I could hear him breaking branches behind me.

Before I got far I saw purple particles and felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I struggled before finally giving up and falling limply against my capturer.

"Did you..."The boy who chased me appeared and he looked out of breath, "get him..?"

Who ever was holding me grunted and then proceded to throw me over his shoulder. The boy got closer and I saw a headband type of crown on his head, it shone along with his golden hair. From what I could see the guy holding me was a hybrid of sorts, he had a tail that swayed back and forth slightly.

"who are you?" the boy asked raising his chin and crosing his arms.

I tried to move my arms but then realized they were pinned to my sides. I huffed quietly then thought of a name that hopefully wouldn't get me recognized.

"Tubbo." I studied the boy through my long bangs, "My name is Tubbo. Who are you?"

The boy scoffed,"You must not be from 'round here huh? I'm Tomathy, brother of the King."



The guy holding me chuckled."Oh shut the hell up Ranboo!"

"Sorry sorry, it's just there's four kings remember? We don't wanna confuse our friend," Ranboo set me down finally before continuing, "There's King Wilbur, Tommy's brother, King George, most hybrids live in his kingdom, King Badboyhalo, he rules with his husband and its mostly peaceful, and then theres Jschlatt."

I gulped nervously.

"His kingdom is full of rare hybrids, and he's supposedly the last goat type hybrid..well," Ranboo brushed back my hair revealing my goat ears, "Him and his son."

Tommy gasped loudly, "You! Wait you're supposed to be dead?"

Ranboo was silent for a moment before he cleared his throat, "Yes he is, now lets keep it that way."


"Head down and keep your ears covered." Tommy mumbled to me as he and Ranboo stood on either side of me.

They were leading me through a small village, down the road I saw a castle.

"Is that where we're going?" I asked curiosly.

"Yep, when we get there you'll have to tell King Wilbur everything so we can protect you." Ranboo said.

I grit my teeth but nodded as we continued down the road. 

A few minutes later we were escorted through the gates by two guards. They led us to a big thrown room and stopped a few feet in front of a man, the king, with curly hair. To the king's left was a girl with pink hair whom I assumed was his advisor, and to his right was a woman with orange red hair, the queen.

"Tommy, Ranboo," He greeted the two with a nod," Who is this?"

"His name is Tubbo, we found him while we were out hunting. We'd like to keep him here so he can be safe from his father." Tommy said with a determined look on his face.

"And who is his father?"

Tommy hesitated and Ranboo patted my back softly.

"Jschlatt." I said looking up at the king, "My Father is king Jschlatt your majesty."

The kings eyes went cold, "Are you aware of what he's done, all the people he's killed? How do I know he hasn't just sent you here to kill us?"

"Sir, if I may step in and say, look at him," Ranboo said motioning to my sunken in cheekbones and starved figure, "It's obvious he's been running from the man for weeks."

"My father thinks I'm dead, its been that way for almost a month Sir." I said in a soft voice, my head growing fuzzy from everything that's happened.

"Will," The pink haired girl said softly, "I think we should trust him, he's just a kid."

I recognize her but I'm too worn out to remember from where..

"I agree Honey, I think we should let him stay for a while." the Queen said.

Wilbur hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Alright he can stay, but the moment I think he'll betray us he's gone."

I smiled weakly and bowed, "Thank you so much your majesty."

Ranboo and Tommy lead me out of there and as soon as we were out my vision got blurry.

"Tubbo?" one of them said worridly.

then my vision went black.


man, i kinda wanna make this into a book, yknow? yall will find out why tubbo had to leave, why phil isn't king, where tf technoblade is, yall can find out about the affair...

if i do write a book for it what should it be called?

anyways sorry for the slow updates T^T and sorry this book is ending sooner than planned-

i just really wanna publish my tubbo and ranboo oneshot book :]

alright that's all for now!



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