15- Please Don't Go, I Love You So(Alternative)

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So a lot of y'all wanted an alternative ending for the last chapter of my first book where Tubbo doesn't escape and stays with Tommy

Guess I'll do that

Summary: Stockholm syndrome baby :]

Note: this is gonna start after Tommy kidnaps Tubbo


Tubbo woke up in a dimly lit room confused and with a massive headache. He looked around and saw he was laying on an old mattress and that there was only one door in the room. The brunette tried to stand but felt something hold him back by the wrist.

Looking down he saw a handcuff connected to his wrist and a metal pipe only letting him sit on the bed. Slowly Tubbo's breathing started to become uneven as he realized how bad his situation currently was. As he panicked he tried to yank the handcuff off but only ended up making his wrist an angry red color.

'Where the hell did Tommy go? Is he here too? What if he's in danger?' the small boy thought to himself.

C r e a k

The door slowly opened and a dark figure walked towards him. Curling into a small ball Tubbo slid as far away as he possibly could from the approaching figure. The figure stood still next to Tubbo just looking down at him, the brunette's eyes watered as he looked up trying to identify who it was.

Then the person laughed.

Not a creepy laugh, it was like a friend had told a joke.

But to Tubbo it was terrifying.

Until he recognized the laugh.

"T-Tommy?" His voice cracked.

The tall figure leaned down closer to the crying boy, close enough so he could see it was in fact Tommy.


"Why- What the fuxk?" Tubbo stuttered, "You're crazy!"

The grin on the blondes face grew, "Oh come on Tubbo, I'm just trying to be your friend."

"This isn't how you make friends." The smaller angrily said, "You kidnapped me, handcuffed me to a pipe, and you say you're trying to be my friend? You're fuxkin' insane!"

Tommy's smile dropped and he hit the wall next to Tubbo's head and in a calm voice he said, "Watch what you say," his smile came back and his eyes softened as he moved his hand to the others head, "I promise i won't hurt you, we're going to be best friends bud."

Tubbo watched him, his mouth agape, fear evident in his eyes. Yet the blonde's smile made him feel unsettlingly calm.

(1k words and this is where the remake starts, y'all-)

A few days later

Tubbo sat on the dirty mattress and stared blankly at the wall since there wasn't much he could do. There was a loud clang at the door and the brunette sat up slightly straighter and watched the door carefully. Tommy walked in holding something, looked like a laptop, and sat next to Tubbo.

"..." Tubbo didn't saying anything as he nervously messed with the handcuff around his wrist.

"Want to watch a movie?" Tommy smiled happily.

The older visibly calmed down and scooted to the side and let the blonde sit next to him.

Hours later they finished the movie and the duo were cuddling about to sleep when Tubbo said something that ticked off the younger.

"...i miss Boo.." he mumbled against the blondes shoulder.

"You have me." Tommy began fidgeting with his hands.

"Yeah but Boo is one of my closest friends.." Tubbo began to grow slightly anxious.

"Well now you have me and that's all you need."

"What if he's looking for me, worried? What if-"

"He doesn't fuxking care about you! He never did. No one did. I'm your best and only friend. Now enough." Tommy yelled.

He saw the other huddle away in fear, Tommy took a breath then smiled and put a hand in his brown hair, "It's ok buddy, you'll always have me."

Tubbo shook in fear and smiled back stiffly.


"Tommy thank you so much!" Tubbo laughed and spun in his new black skirt Tommy had given him.

"No problem bubs, it looks great on you." The blonde smiled as his best friend happily jumped around the small room.

"And thank you for finally taking off the cuffs.."

Before the taller could respond he was tackled by the shorter into a hug, "You're my best friend Toms."

Tommy smiled widely and pet the brunette's hair softly.


A few hours later


The only door in the room swung open as Tommy stormed in, "Get up Tubbo, we gotta go."

"Wha-!" Tubbo was yanked off the bed and out of the room.

"They're here and we need to go." The blonde pulled the other down multiple hallways.

"Tommy! Stop!" Tubbo pulled away from the taller, "What the hell is happening-"

"TUBBO!" A voice yelled from the other end of the hallway.

The boy in question turned and gasped, "Boo...you came..."

Tommy quickly put a hand on Tubbo's shoulder and urged him to turn away, "Come on bubs, we've gotta get out of here.."

"But Toms.." When Tubbo turned to look at him he saw the look in Tommy's eyes and shrunk back.

"Don't touch him!" Ranboo yelled taking a step towards the two.

"Tubbo remember, they don't care, he doesn't care about you. I do, I'm your best friend remember bubs?" Tommy leaned down and grabbed the other by the face and forced him to look up, "Please don't go, please don't go. I love you so my best friend!"

Tubbo hesitantly looked up at him, his cheeks being harshly squished by the blonde. "I love you too Toms, l-lets go."

The two began running as Ranboo stood in place in shock.



so sorry i took so long to write this but my phone broke and i haven't been able to use my laptop to write for a bit, but here ya go :D

i'll do some requests soon don't worry but for now i need to wait and see if parent will give me a new phone or not.

and y'all don't forget to eat and drink some water :)



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