12- Little Brother

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Summary: Tubbo likes wearing skirts and dresses but gets bullied for it, so his big brothers Tommy, Ranboo ans a few others go beat up the guys :]

T/W: bullying, slurs, and beating people up

Note: heavily based off the beginning of a movie try and guess it (the tittle will be at the end)


The group of boys pushed Tubbo out a side door into a small alley by the school. The boy fell over onto a bunch of boxes causing the group to laugh loudly. One of the boys reached into his bag and pulled out a rag and what looked like lipstick.

Two held Tubbo by his arms as the others shouted insults at him and smeared his lips in the paint. After they finished tormenting the boy, Tubbo had lipstick all over his lip area and a dirty skirt over his jeans. Before they left him sobbing in the alley one of the boys grabbed a black sharpie and wrote on Tubbo's arm: Quęër, in all caps.

A few minutes later the late bell rang and while classes went on Tubbo sprinted to a bathroom and began washing his face. He quickly kicked off the stupid rag and chucked it into the trash can with a quiet yell. Tubbo looked at himself in the mirror after a few minutes of scrubbing his face he got most of the lipstick off, all that was left was a light red hue. But he couldn't get off the words written in sharpie on his arm, Tubbo was worried was his brother would say when he saw him later.


Tommy sat in his truck outside of Tubbo's school waiting for him. After a few minutes the small boy ran out of the building clutching his books close as he jumped into the truck, not long after he shut the door a group of boys followed him out all yelling and laughing. Tubbo urged Tommy to hurry up and drive away from them before the boys got to the truck, so he did.

As they drove Tommy noticed his little brother fidgeting with his arm and not extending it, he just held it crossed over his chest. When he asked the younger what was wrong he just brushed the blonde off saying it was fine. Eventually Tommy grew tired with the others secrecy and grabbed his arm and read the insult, he looked back up to the other and finally noticed the smudged lipstick around his lips. He angrily looked ahead and gripped the steering wheel and said nothing.

Tommy pulled into an empty lot and sat in his truck as Tubbo jumped out and walked through the field of stone until he found the one he wanted.

Loving Father

He watched his brother kneel in front of the head stone, pressing his forehead against it and whispering to his father. Tommy took a breath and got out of the car and walked to another headstone.

Wilbur Soot
Loved Son And Brother

An hour later they were on the road again heading home finally, neither of them spoke the whole ride.


Later that evening while Tubbo slept in Tommy's bed after crying for hours, Tommy and his friends went to where those båstårds always hung out. Tommy went in while Ranboo and Techno stayed outside.

They heard the boys beg for the blond to leave and stop hurting them, then they heard what Tommy did in response. Tommy punched one guy in the face then kneed the other in the gut. While they were down the third guy swung at him and got him in the jaw. Tommy turned and grabbed a brown bag then punched the guy in the face. He pulled the bag over his face like he'd done to his little brother once and continued beating the shįt out of him. A loud crack echoed as blood smeared the inside of the bag, leaking out the front.

Techno and Ranboo ran in to get him off of the boy before he killed him, as they pulled him off Tommy screamed,

"Now fuxkin leave my little brother alone you fuxkin bitxh in a bag!"


This was based off the beginning parts of the movie Devil All The Time, don't watch it if you don't like graphic, sexual, and really disturbing stuff.


This chapter was really different but I really liked writing it without any dialect or anything, it was a nice change :)

Thats all for now



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