2- On Your Own

366 22 9

its almost the enddddd~ 

summary: final disc war, but with a twist ;]

t/w: gore, death, and violence 

lowercase intended 


"what if we don't make it..?" tubbo asked as he leaned against the sides of the boat looking at the sunrise. 

"what do you mean big man? we're going to make it!" I looked at him and grinned, "no matter what, its you and me till the end."

he smiled then looked at me, "...yeah, you and me till the very end." 

"good, now lets go get our discs back." 


"tommy-!" tubbo gasped and looked up behind me.

i turned and gasped, it was a huge rigid mountain, we were going to have to climb that thing. we docked the boat and began the horrifying climb to the man we came here to fight. i heaved myself over the edge and turned to help tubbo up and we both took out our weapons and faced him.

a manipulative, conniving, psychotic man.  


"so, yall really came?" he laughed under his mask then stopped suddenly, "big mistake."

"where is it, where is the disc dream." i growled. 

the man smiled and angled his head back, he was looking at a chest. 

a chest that held the disc.

"go!" i yelled.

me and tubbo charged, each holding a pearl, we chucked them towards dream. tubbo's landed and he swung his sword at the man, but i didn't, i over threw it and landed behind them. quickly i took out my fishing rod and launched myself towards them, dream threw tubbo back but he took out his rod and boosted me to dream as he fell. 

i switched my rod for my axe and broke dreams shield, he jumped away and charged tubbo who blocked with his shield. while dream was distracted with tubbo i reached into the chest and grabbed the disc.

"I GOT IT- I GOT IT!" i screamed and looked back down at them grinning wide, but that grin didn't last.

dream had tubbo against a wall, his axe on the verge of breaking tubbo's shield.

"YOU GOT I- TOMS! HE'S GOING TO- OH GOD-" tubbo screamed as his shield broke, making dream's axe hitting the rocks next to his head. 

"tommy, im going to kill him! give me that disc or ill kill him!" dream looked at me and grinned manically, "make your decision!" 

i grit my teeth and threw down the disc and glared at dream, waiting for him to release my best friend, to let him live.

dream moved his axe and tubbo sprinted to me, i watched as he ran to me. 

it was all in slow motion, and i wish i could've moved faster. 

dream grinned and lunged forward, extending his axe in the process, he raised it and brought it down on tubbo's back. he screamed in pain, the axe causing so much blood to seep through his shirt. i watched as tubbo's eyes fogged and he fell to the ground, dream's axe still lodged in between his shoulder blades. 

"you didn't really think i'd let both of you live right? do you know how much of a threat you two would be to me?" dream laughed loudly, "time to make sure he's gone."

i looked down, my mouth open and tears falling down my face. dream stepped tubbo's mid back and roughly pulled out the axe and slammed it down on the same spot.

he did that again,

and again

and again

until tubbo wasn't recognizable anymore. 

with that, dream pearled again.

after a moment of pure shock i stumbled forwards and collapsed next to the corpse of my best friend. i held him and sobbed, i didn't care how much of his blood got on me. 

that night i returned back home on my own, covered in blood that i wish was my own. 


so close to the end, i can feel the sweet release of death. this book is almost gone.

anyways yo im the king of angst and im the only one who can have that title here :]


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