20- Binding

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Here we go!

Summary: Tubbo spends the night at Tommy's house but ends is worried about his binder being too tight.

T/W: unsafe binding, crying, and panic attacks

Trans!Tubbo AU


"Tommy!" Tubbo yelled to his friend.

"Tubbo!" The taller ran over and hugged the brunette tightly.

Tubbo cringed in pain as he felt his binder squeeze tighter against his already bruised ribs.

"Something wrong?" Tommy asked as he pulled away from the hug and saw the look on the others face.

"Oh uh no everything's fine." Tubbo said fake smiling.

"Well come on!" The blond pulled the smaller into his house excitedly.


"I say we should start getting ready to sleep." Tommy said trying to stifle a yawn.

Tubbo nodded grabbing his bag and heading into Tommy's bathroom.

"You can change in here bubs, we're like brothers." The blonde said as he changed his shirt.

When the other didn't respond Tommy glanced over and saw a uncomfortable look on the older's face and quickly apologized, "Sorry i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable bubs.."

"It's fine.." Tubbo mumbled before stepping into the bathroom and locking the door.

He immediately pulled off his shirt and yanked off the binder and took a deep breath and winsed.

The brunette looked at his ribs in the reflection of the mirror and gasped quietly, his entire chest and rib areas was black and purple.

"Oh shįt.."

The boy turned to put on his pajama shirt and froze.

Usually he'd wouldn't wear his binder to sleep so he could take a break and breath but now he was staying with Tommy. And if he walked out there without wearing his binder the blonde would definitely notice.

Tubbo stopped to think for a moment before putting back on the binder and tightening it.

He quickly finished changing then hesitated at opening the door.

What if he finds out?

He's going to hate you.

Be disgusted with you.

You're going to loose your best friend because you're a monster.

Tubbo's hand began trembling as his breathing quickened, the boy's vision was turning black around the edges.

Tears poured down the brunette's face as he slowly sunk to the floor and crawled away from the door to a corner of the bathroom. Tubbo tried to pull his knees to his chest and cried out as a surge of pain ran through his chest.

"Tubbo?" Tommy knocked loudly on the bathroom door.

Tubbo only whimpered as he buried his head into his hands as even more pain in his chest.

"Tubs I'm going to come in!" Tommy began unlocking the door.

"N-no!" Tubbo's voice cracked.

It was too late.

Tommy opened the door and the moment he saw his friend huddled in a corner with tears streaming down his face the blonde ran over to him.

"Bubs what's wrong?!" Tommy tried to pull the smaller towards him only causing Tubbo more pain.

"S-stop!" The brunette clutched his chest in pain.

"What's wrong with your chest? Did you hurt it?" The blonde pulled at the collar of the others shirt, Tubbo nodded forgetting about his binder.

Suddenly Tubbo remembered about it and began trying to push away his friend but it was too late, Tommy had lowered the collar enough to see the binder.


Tommy knew what a binder was and was confused as to why Tubbo was wearing one. Then it clicked.

Why the boy was so short, why his voice was slightly higher than other guys, and more things.

"Tubbo you're..." Tommy's voice trailed off.

Tubbo just nodded and didn't look at the blonde.

"It's ok bubs, you're the same Tubbo." Tommy hugged his friend loosely to not hurt him, "But you need to take the off, it's hurting you."

Tubbo stared up at Tommy for a moment before the taller realized he was waiting for him to turn away.

"Right sorry."


"Im sorry I didn't tell you Toms.." Tubbo murmured, his words slurred from tiredness.

"It's ok bubs, it was your choice." The blonde smiled.

"Mhm.." the smaller layed his head on the others chest and began drifting off.

"You're still my best friend no matter what." Tommy said and kissed his best friend on the head.


Bam first chapter d o n e

Did y'all like it?

time to go pre-write more chapters--


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