3- Dance With The Devil

411 26 14

art by mE

Summary: A human dances with a demon.

T/W: Death

lowercase intended


"this is the human who you befriended?" a tall demon with long horns asked pushing a small brunette forward.

tommy clenched his fist annoyed at how his friend was getting man handled by the demon but still nodded. 

the demon glanced down at the human and asked, "and you wish to stay with him? a demon? a killer?"

"tommy isnt a killer-"

"tubbo dont." the brunette glanced over with a upset look in his eyes but still silenced.

"...yes i do wish to stay with him."

"hm..very well, and you two know how to do it correct?" the duo nodded, "alright."

the demon pushed tubbo towards tommy, the brunette stumbled forward and the taller quickly caught him and glared at the tall demon.

"go to the cathedral at midnight." 

and then he disappeared. 

"bastard." tommy mumbled. 



tubbo stood in front of a full length mirror, he wore a dark green suit. tommy was next to him adjusting his tie and grinning widely.

"is..is it gonna hurt toms?" tubbo whispered wringing his hands.

"no it wont tubs, i promise."



the duo walked into the quiet cathedral and saw the tall demon standing at the alter. he looked over and grinned viciously, his fangs showing. 

"up here, wait for me to tell you to start." he walked to the side and opened a sun roof and a red spot light beamed down.

tommy and tubbo stood under the red light and faced each other, the demon nodded and an organ played a slow creepy song. 

tommy held out his hand, horns and fangs appearing, "ready to dance with the devil bud?"

tubbo took a breath and smiled, taking the demons hand, "ready as i'll ever be."

slowly the two danced in a slow graceful circle around the alter, the red beam following them. the brunette's eyes began fluttering shut, and he felt himself grow weaker as his body leaned more against tommy. 

tubbo moved his hand to the blonde's shoulder as he leaned against tommy's chest, his feet now dragging on the floor and his eyes closing. 

"see you soon bud." tommy whispered and picked up the brunette, whose head lolled back, and carried him to the demon.

the demon placed a hand on tubbo's head and it glowed red as a tubbo's eyes shot open. they were no longer white, his eyes were fully pitch black. the small boy grew ram horns and a tail, his teeth turned ragged.

tommy quickly set tubbo down and let the boy, no demon, look at himself and his new look.

"i'm...immortal now?" he glanced at the demon, it nodded, "toms!"

the shorter tackled the other and hugged him tightly, "we did it big man!"

"we did boss man!" tommy yelled.

"remember the deal." the shadow demon said.

"gamble for lives, yeah yeah we know." tommy rolled his eyes.

"good now go."

the duo grinned and ran off together.







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