◇♡♧ FOUR ♤♡◇

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My whole world just blew up in my face.

“Yea.” I put the gear in reverse and backed into the road. “Magnificent.”

“Darling, you don’t use words like that. Something is wrong.”

“Mr. Lenny Houston. I do feel that way.”

“Baby I know you better than you know those panties you’re wearing.”

“That wasn’t a very good summation, Daddy.”

“Get over yourself. Can you take a joke? But you feel magnificent, right? Your voice betrays your feelings. What is it? Just tell me.”

He intimidated me. “I’m good, Pa.”

“Pa?” He was chuckling. And it wasn’t pleasant. “You never call me ‘Pa.’ Do I look Spanish? Pa? I’m Daddy! I love being black.”

“Don’t we all."

I put the car in drive and sped up the block. “Why are your tires biting into the pavement like that, Jadish? Are you ok? Where are you?”

“Dad, I’m good.”

The tears fell harder.

I slowly braked at the approaching stop sign. I put the car in park, pressed “mute”. I threw my head on the steering wheel. I hurt so much my shoulders were shaking.

The heat didn’t help matters and everything I felt for Tommy was compromised.

“Why, Tommy? Why did you rape me? Why did you do this to me? I trusted you!”


I sucked in air and my nose was stopped up. I sat back against the seat and I smelled my pussy in the air.

It was still in heat. I was remembering Tommy’s dick in my mouth a few minutes ago, when I was secretly picking him for information.

And to think my husband Sax knew qall along what had happened on my graduation night.

He told me that but I wouldn’t listen.
I guess I was in denial about it all. But I wasn’t in denial about it anymore. 

Question was: what was I going to do about it?

Would I call the authorities?

Would that be beneficial?

Would I feel better?

I have already been violated by a sinister man. Would he do another woman like that?

Had he done another woman (or women) like that? I couldn’t have been the gahdamn first?

I pressed “unmute.”

“Daddy, where is Sax?”

“He’s next to me. Are you ok?”

I smiled. Someone blew their horn at me and I put the car in “drive” and started up the block doing the 35 M.P.H. speed limit.

He put Sax on the phone.