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Two nurses ran into the room, both males, and one grabbed Sax and the other grabbed Tommy.

“Call Security on his ass,” Tommy
shouted. “Putting your hands on me.”

“No, call the police,” said Sax, trying to push the nurse off him. “He raped my fucking wife, you sack of shit!”

“You two need to calm down,” said the thick, stocky nurse. “Larry” was on his name tag. He pushed Sax to one side of the room.

The other nurse, “James,” pushed Tommy to the other side of the room.

Tommy said, “I am going to shoot your ass, Niggah!”

“Oh, yea? I should shoot your rapist ass, you sick bitch. Why did you rape my wife motherfucker?”

James said, “Calm down you two. I’m not getting in the middle of this, but I will call security on you man if you jump on the patient again."

Sax said, “No need. I’m going to talk to the police.”

Sax walked out of the room, burning with rage.

So, Jadish…you sucked Tommy’s dick?


Jadish was on the sofa, Maxwell singing into her ears. But she didn’t know it because she was sound asleep, the candles on the end table
slowly burning out.

And the TV flashed in her face.


Sax was burning rubber in his car. When he turned onto the 836—West Expressway, he whipped out his cell phone.

Tears were in his eyes but he refused to cry. The nerve of Tommy! He had to be lying on his wife. Jadish would never give him head.

She wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole. Or would she? You couldn’t put anything past a bitch these days. If it quacked the pussy would duck it.

He attempted to call his wife but he hung up, putting the phone on the seat.

He didn’t know how he felt. Tommy’s words replayed in his head.

You virginal asshole. So how do you explain Jadish’s earring on my dining room floor?

She sucked my dick. She knew to bring the pussy to Daddy.

Poor, poor Sax. She made me come so fast she swallowed my shit, moaning my name. Begging me to fuck her from the back. But I thought about you and told her I couldn’t…

You’ll die a lonely virgin.

How pathetic! You’re a bitch ass Niggah. As Puff Daddy says, I don’t
have time for your Bitchassness, Dawg.

I should make you suck my dick, Punk!

“Jadish, I hope to God he’s lying. Because if he isn’t, then I am leaving you forever.”

Just then the phone rang.

He answered it with an attitude.


“Damn, Homie. It’s Philippe.”

Sax was ecstatic. He slowly put on the brakes, changing lanes.

“Oh my God! Is that my Dawg? My Niggah? My Homie from college?”

“Yea, Man. It’s me. Long time.”

Sax was about to burst with joy. “Hell, yea! It’s been a long time. Where are you?”

“I’m in the Marriot Hotel by the Dadeland Mall.”

“You’re in town? And you didn’t call me?”

“I called your wife, but she said you were out,” he said.

“Man I’m coming to see you right now!”

“Where are you?”

“I’ll see you in about twenty minutes. What room are you in?”

“Call me when you arrive. I’m at the bar. Let’s have some drinks and get caught up on everything.”

“I’m on my way, Niggah. Goddamn! My motherfucking Homie is in town.”

Sax hung up.
