♤♡◇ TWO ♤♡◇

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"What?" I whispered harshly, wiping tears from my eyes. "What do you want?"

Mom and Daddy talked over the music. They were heated with each other.

Dad said, "You are gonna cook. I can't cook tonight. I'm tired."

"And I'm tired too, gahdamn it and you need to cook sometimes.

Motherfucker I'm not a robot!"

Tommy said, "I told you the truth."

"Bashing Sasha is not the truth."

"Listen. Your Dad and I went out tonight. We stopped by the pizza parlor and we ordered a large pepperoni."


"A few girls came in. Your Dad and I checked them out. But they were too young. One of them, I think her name is Lily..."

The color left my face.

"Told another girl in the group that a girl was going to be deflowered at Sasha's house.

Initially your Dad and I didn't think nothing of it. Lily then told the other two girls 'Jadish has been a virgin long enough.

Micro and Bob just arrived at Sasha's house. They are going to rape her.'"

I was so quiet I seeped with anger. I hated Lily so much. She never liked me.

And to think Sasha was in on the plot. Why would she do that to me? I prided myself on keeping my virginity.

And after tonight I would keep my virginity until I got married.

Tommy grew quiet when he saw I squeezed my hands into fists.

"I'm sorry."

I didn't say anything.

Life went on. I told my parents to keep me in the same school. Bob never recovered from intensive care and he died.

Daddy was charged but in court he won his case. He protected his daughter from being raped by two men who beat her and urinated on her and humiliated her.

Even Bob's parents couldn't do anything. They actually shook my father's hand after his victory, not that Daddy gloated.

He loved all people and taking a life would be on his conscious forever.

Bob's parents were so in shock that their son tried to rape me (and the fact that he died) that they decided

to move out of town.

Micro recovered. Charges were brought against him and Sasha and he wound up getting three years in a juvenile detention center.

Sasha got probation and was withdrawn from the school.

Her parents stopped talking to my family and we were now bitter enemies.

Micro was kicked off the football team and slandered in school. My business traveled but I didn't care.

I kept my head high and I still went to school. I didn't care what anybody had to say.

Tommy helped me get through the ordeal. He was easy to talk to and

he told me him and Daddy would always protect me.

I wound up going to see the shrink. It wasn't bad at all. The psychologist's name was Advance Stevens, a frail-looking white woman with huge freckles and curly red hair.

Over the next few months she helped me deal with what happened through essay writing and role playing and she loved holding a mirror up in my face before and after our sessions ended.

I started to gain my self-esteem and self-confidence back.