💢💢💢 NINETEEN 💢💢💢

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“It’s been years, bruh!” Philippe loved his cologne. What kind of fragrance are you wearing, Sax?

Don’t let me go, Philippe. “I haven’t seen you since we graduated college.”

Reluctantly, they pulled away, looking each other over. They could not break the gaze.

Philippe had arrestingly gorgeous eyes. Pupils that ignited his irises
and made for good aqueous humor.

“Well damn, bruh,” said Philippe, his eyes sparkling. “You put on a few pounds.”

“Well, you know,” Sax joked, chuckling. “I’m a man now.” And you look good yourself.

Philippe let the words settle in his ears. “Yes you are. At least it’s not fat.”

“I know, right! I acquired muscle, and I do watch what I eat.”

Except when I’m eating pussy, but my wife is acting stank with that as well.

"I do that sometimes myself, even though my wife love piling on the food.”

“You don’t look a day over 20, bruh.”

“Well, I’m reaching the thirty mark in a couple years. A Niggah isn’t looking forward to pushing up daisies anytime soon.”

“Don’t even mention daisies. You remind me that I’m right behind you pushing up roses.”

Philippe shook his hand. “Ha, ha…how about a drink. My treat.”

They tightened their grip, not letting each other’s hand go. “Ok. Because I need one.”

Sax’s voice lost its luster and Philippe noticed.

Philippe searched Sax’s face. “Are you ok, bruh?”

Sax averted his face. Can’t give anything away. He’s in town for a few days. I can’t burden him with my problems. Why should I?

“Yea, I’m good. So how’s your wife.”

Philippe lowered his head and faked a smile. What do I say? “She’s ok.”

“Go order the drinks and we’ll get caught up,” Sax said, sitting down.

“All right. What do you want?” Philippe asked, pulling out his wallet loaded with plastic Visa cards.

“Buy the whole bottle of Grey Goose.”


Philippe made his way to the bar and Sax lowered his head.

I stood up my wife. What kind of husband was I? I’m in pain. She stood me up for years. Making me think we were going to make love and she chickens out because of those

But now that the secret is out, now that she knows that Tommy slipped drugs in her drink and raped her, maybe we 7can get back on track. Nah.

Psychologically my wife is probably
fucked up and we need to seek professional help. But she won’t do it.

And Philippe. He looks as good as ever. That’s my best friend right there. I love the hell out of him. We met in college, when he was going through a divorce at 19 years old.

He was married to an older woman who treated him more like her son
than her husband. He had a good job and she was on public assistance with four grown children older than Philippe.

She only married him for his money. I was passing by the little park by the University Metro Rail Station when I saw heim. The University of Miami loomed behind me.

He was sitting on a bench with his head hanging low. What gravitated me towards him was the sadness on his face.

Why was the brothah so sad?

“Are you ok, bruh?” I asked, sitting by him.

His eyes were red. He had Grey Goose in a McDonald’s cup, and from the looks of it he was intoxicated...