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Give My Back My Baby!

Angel POV

That jackass can't hide my baby forever. I'm going to find her to get her out of this damn place. 

"Charlie! You know your way around this damn place. Where do you think your dear old man went?" I asked as she thought for a moment as I wait for her response.

"We could try looking in the rooms?" She suggested.

I growled, "How long do you think it'll take? This place is like a museum!" 

"Calm down," Alastor said. 

"I AM FUCKING CALM!" I screeched. 

"We're going to find Y/N and I know that she's not completely harmed by my dad. What's the worse that can happen?" 

Vaggie inconsiderably shrugged her shoulders as I felt my eye twitch. 

"Charlie lead the way before I lose it," I grumbled.

"But like I said, dear Angel." Alastor twirled his microphone staff as he slammed it on the floor releasing pits of dark spirits. "This will lead us to Y/N, the dark shadows are to hunt her down as a predator hunts its prey.

"It won't hurt her will it?" I asked.

"Nonsense," Alastor reassured. "If there's one thing I know about Y/N's power the only thing she can't seem to redeem it. Her power is strong, but I don't know if she'll understand that the shadow will help her in some way."

"Well, let's not stall our asses here, and let's go!" 

I was laying in the bed and started to tremble just thinking about what the others were doing. Are they even looking for me?

"Angel..." I croaked. 

I suddenly felt darkness was entering the room, it was a strong energy source coming here as I sat up to look around. My eyes looked down at the floor to see the hallway light turned dark as something was entering the room. I used my fire to light up the room as I saw a huge shadow figure hissing at the light and I jump back a little. 

Why is a shadow here?

Just then, the door burst open, and I jumped losing my fire as the shadow hid. Standing in the doorway was Lucifer holding his staff wearing a smug on his face.

"Hello darling, how are you?" He asked as I sat up to clench my hem of the shirt staring at him. 

"W-What are y--you doing here?" I stuttered.

"I'm just checking up on my sweet little girl. I know you must be hungry, right?" He asked walking towards you and leaned forward with his eyebrows arched up. 

"No. But is it okay if I can call, Angel?" You asked.

"Oh, darling. I wish I could let you but you have to stay here and be a good girl." He said as you sat up straight staring at him directly. 

"But can I least go talk to Angel?" I begged.

"NO! I mean, he's probably not in the mood to speak to right now, dear. Now, you stay here while 

Just as he left the room I sensed something dark and powerful that was still in my room that I knew that this power had to be Alastor. Maybe he's here to come to get me out of here. The shadow began to shift around as I tried to see what it was telling me to do, so I concentrated on my power to use my plants to grab onto the door and rip the knob out of it. As quiet as I can be, the door opens as I snuck out with the shadow still with me until I overheard Lucifer down the hallway, and I hid. When I heard him leave I noticed he left out of some room letting me get the chance to sneak inside. Once I opened the door...I saw something that I was never going to forget. It looked like I was looking in my reflection right now.

"...Mom?" My voice cracked. 

There were many pictures on the wall of my mother as I felt my jaw dropped. How did he get all of these pictures of my mom in the first place? Were they really in love?

In my heart, I wanted to learn more about my mother and my father that "claims" to be my father. However, I wasn't raised by a demon ruler that is the powerful overlord that I don't have any clue what he does for a living. The fake father I lived with was not a part of my life anyway.

"Angel..." I sadly call out his name looking down at my feet. I want Angel to come and I miss him, but Lucifer is preventing me to go anywhere near him. "I have to get out here." I turned around to see Lucifer standing there in the doorway.

"Y/N, you naughty girl!~" He purred.

"Lucifer! Let me go! Now!" I demanded.

"Is this how you treat your father?" He hissed. 

"Your not my dad! Never will be!" I shouted. 

Before he could grab me I didn't exactly think of what to do, but somehow I didn't feel anything touch me. I opened my eyes to see that I was floating as I gasped. Is this another power that I have in me?

"Y/N! Get down from there!" Lucifer demanded.

I ignore him and zoom out of the room with the shadow tagging along with me as the castle that I was in looked like a maze. This place is going to take me forever to find Angel.

Angel POV

This place is like a big ass maze around here and we don't know where to look for Y/N that it's starting to piss me off even more. 

"This place smells like ass." I randomly said out loud. 

"Angel, be more careful with your words." Alastor politely said.

"How about you be careful before I rip those antlers out of your skull." I hissed.

"Enough already. Both of you." Vaggie said.

"I'm sure Y/N is all right, and nothing is wrong," Charlie reassured. 

I then heard a scream as I glared over at Charlie, "Nothing is wrong? I know when I hear a scream that SOMETHING IS WRONG!" I shouted at her face as I looked at the other side of the wall to see Charlie's dad's large fish tank.

 Seriously? How does a fish end up in hell?

Before I could question myself I saw a body just swimming inside of the tank as I squinted my eyes to realize that it was my baby!

"Y/N!" I screamed slamming my hands against the glass to see her in the water. 

"How the hell she get in there? She's trying to drown?" Husk inquired.

"I don't know." Charlie shrugged. 

"GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and banged on the glass that I couldn't bear to watch her die like this. 

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