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Chasing After You

Your Pov

I tossed in turn in my sleep just having nightmares about Lucifer getting to me and I tried to fight back, but he was too strong. My eyes shot open as I climbed out of bed to grab a glass of water in the kitchen. As I made my way down the hall I looked around to see scary shadows forming left to right each time I turned my head. 

As I made my way into the kitchen to grab a glass and pour water in it. I gasped to see a shadowy figure watching me, but I rubbed my eyes and saw nothing. I'm just imagining things, aren't I? 

I finished my glass of water to head back to bed until I couldn't move after seeing a pair of red eyes staring at me. I only stared back at them hearing a hungry growl coming from that strange person as I quickly took off. I had to call Alastor and tell him what's going on, so I went to go search for the telephone around and saw none except one had its string connected cut. 

"Y/N...come out, come out, wherever you are~" The familiar sinister voice called after me. 

My heart began beating faster as I kept running trying to find a place to hide. I ran into the library to hide under the table as I heard hard heels clicking the floor knowing that Alastor wasn't home. He never walked so hard and I watched as the man wandered around to search for me. Once I heard him walking farther away, I quickly crawled from under the table and ran out to find the telephone. Surely, Alastor should have one in his room, and that's where I went. 
I made my way to his bedroom and locked the door to find the telephone. I carried it to hide underneath the bed to dial his phone number and heard the hard heels clicking as the phone finally picked up. 

"Hello? Alastor here~"

"A-Alastor...please come home!" 

"Y/N? Dear, what's the matter?"

"No time. Come home now! Please!"

My heart was racing a mile and I couldn't hear the footsteps anywhere, but only silence remained in the room. I heard Alastor call my name on the phone, but I crawled from under to see if the person was gone. No one was around and I didn't see or hear them anymore. Did they leave finally? 

I sighed in relief and crawled from under the bed with the telephone ready to tell Alastor that I was okay. That was until I heard heavy breathing behind me as I turned to see Lucifer standing before me.

"Hello dear~" He greeted with a genuine smile.

The next thing I know I was knocked out and dropped the phone and I didn't hear anything or anyone after that. 


I groaned when I found out that I was in a room that smells disgusting and it was a strong scent that I had to cover my nose with. Just as I was about to make a move, someone enters the darkroom standing there with a wide grin at me. 

"It's about time you woke up dear~" He purred.

"W-What do you want from me!?" I shouted.

"Calm down," He whispers, hushing me and slowly towards me to pull the light string as I saw it was Lucifer standing in front of me. "My...such beautiful eyes shining as bright as the moonlight and a marvelous view to look at as well." 

"G-Go away!" 

"Shh...child lower your tone. We must not wake up everyone after what I'm about to do to you." He smirked down at me amusingly.

"N-No! What are you..." I trembled as he placed his cane to the side and sat next to me and I crawled further away as he brushed my hair gently in his fingertips.

"You are indeed the one I've been searching for. I can't believe she hid you from me." He chuckles slowly.

"W-What do you mean?" I stuttered.

"Dear, you do realize that I have been looking for you; not because of your power, but for your return here!" He chimed.

I'm confused. What is he talking about?

"You look so lost, dear." He sighed.

"W-What do you..."

"Y/N...I am your father." He confessed.

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