Step 18: Facebook

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OMG OMG I just started spaazing. I got 1000 reds I luv y'all and just finished spamming @gottabskatin14 and @jlingarajan's phone. OMG OMG!! LUV u all u desreve an update. 

Now don't go hating here I don't have facebook anymore but I had it before. Aren't facebook e-mails annoying. You are not alone you comment on one picture at get 50 e-mails/notifications about what other people commented. Sometimes you don't care because you don't even know that people. Now how would you get rid of those e-mails you say?

Well, my advice is to make a seperate e-mail account for your facebook and never use it. 

I hope that helped. Lol dw that is not my final step. Tell me in the comments what annoys you about facebook or twitter and I will write about it. Any suggestions for the next chapters?

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