Chapter Twenty-Four -A Surprise Just For You

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"Urgh, I don't like this. I don't like this at all." I was about to back out in the last minute but I felt a dark aura behind me. "Nevermind then."

I was backstage waiting to be introduced in the play. I'm so nervous right now. People are actually coming in and our idea was a big hit. I really expected less (none) for this and was confident but now, well. Screw this if I fail, blame it on the audience. Blame it all on them.

As if it wasn't getting worse out of the corner of my eye I saw them. Why are they here? Please don't tell me they came here and they're going to watch.

I grabbed Ichiro.

"Why is mom and dad here?" When I asked the question he panicked.

"What?! They're here?! That's impo-" he took a peek and he retreated. "Well, then." And he walked off and bumped a lot of people on the way. He really left me here all alone.

Where's Tetsu and why is he not here?! Or am I missing him just because of his lack of presence? I heard someone looking for him and we all expected an 'I'm here' in the middle of the backstage but there wasn't so I guess he really is not here. Why now of all things? I mean I know he's not one of the actors or one of the stage directors but I know he would be here to calm me down. Stupid customers who are piling up and needed orders.

I heard the narrator say my cue. I guess I just have to get on with it.

I took deep breaths and placed the most fake smile I would ever do and entered the stage. The opening was already a song so, may the odds be in my favor today.


So far we're nearing the end of the play. It was time for the 'kissing scene' well, I'm not really gonna kiss Yuri plus, it'll upset both our significant others so we had to do an illusion as if we really had kissed. We just had to make our silhouettes seemed like our lips touched. I mean it is Sleeping Beauty after all. I'm on a bed for Pete's sake I mean sheets that are covering a princesses' bed is so normal. Especially when it's a four-posted bed.

"Oh, what a peaceful face. Alas we could never be together but as a farewell let me give you one kiss." Okay, here it comes.

I can hear the background music and I was told to not open my eyes - even though no one could see it - until I hear my cue. While waiting I heard Yuri whisper something but strangely it was from our earpieces. He was saying something about a thank you for helping him with Rei. I was confused until something soft touched my lips. I was gonna panic and opened my eyes until I saw that it wasn't Yuri but it was Tetsu in the prince's costume.

'What?' I mouthed. He just smiled and mouthed the words that he'll explain later.

The play continued on and ended with a very melancholic smile on my face, or I guess as I gathered from Rei. I mean Tetsu only came in at the kissing part and Yuri just winked at me before going into the wedding scene. I guess it was planned but a very cute surprise.

Okay, all confusions aside, Tetsu was the one who came in from the backstage to the bed. How they made him look like Yuri I don't know, because the stage was set-up in a bedroom. The only one covered with cloth is the bed. I mean my eyes were closed during the whole entire scene but when he spoke, that I can explain. Since the audience could only see my silhouette when Yuri gave his line it was from the backstage. They couldn't see Tetsu's mouth so he didn't have to move his mouth. It was well planned, I applaud.

After my part of the show it was time to clean up since we already earned a lot. I know that's not how it works but seriously we ran out of food so we had to close up shop. Mom and dad were 'ecstatic' with my performance and left immediately after they watched. Ichiro finally came back coincidentally right after our parents left. He said the play was recorded so he can watch it at home. Such a weirdo.

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