Chapter Four- The Childhood Friend

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=Aoi's POV=

Even though I'm a big fan of the Generation of Miracles I have always dreamed of beating them. I might be a girl at least I can help the one who's gotta beat 'em. I have the information and a little experience on basketball this information could help Kuroko and Kagami.

"Nah Shiro how can you help anyway? You're a girl wait scratch're just a tomboy with no basketball experience."

"Hmph you really have to disregard the fact of me being a girl huh?! And what was that last part?! No experience in basketball?! Well now that's just insane!! I may be a GIRL but I do have basketball experience!! You want me to show you?! Come on!! 1-on-1 right now at that court!!"

I pointed at the court that I saw near Maji's Burger I was really irritated when he said that I have no experience in basketball. Well sorry you don't know me bucko!!! I dressed up as a boy in my middle school years and let me tell you this I'm a top player but I was caught right after the end of second year middle school. I was expecting everyone might avoid me because of that revelation but I was wrong. The girls that were swarming at me when I was a boy were still swarming around me because they wanted to be my friend. Then i was expecting my teammates to be disgusted but no, they still wanted to play basketball with me and saying that they still want to play alongside them. I let my hair grow since I wasn't gonna repeat that so it explains the hair right now but I did that for my......

Hey wait.... why am I playing him again? I'm a damn manager not a basketball player!!! Look I know I can play basketball but there is no need to show it to him. Damn!!! Now how am I gonna get away with this. Hmph might as well play it really has been a long time the last time I played but seriously why am I even doing this?

So Kagami and I went to the court right after we ate our food. Kuroko was sitting there still drinking his shake does it ever go empty?! He's been drinking that for a while now but anyway. We played 1-on-1 he said just one shot and he'll accept my help. Okay I'm game for it. Just one shot right? So I have the ball it was hard getting to the basket because he's taller than me but I still have a way of getting pass him. I've watched his play for a week. I already know how to play against him. So I made a fake then made the shot.

"So, how's that for a non-experienced?"

"Hmph you just got lucky Shirouya but you are skilled in basketball. I'm cool with it."

"Just admit that I'm awesome."

"You are Shirouya-san."

"Hahahaha Kuroko! You're flattering me I was just joking." Then he smiled a little. "Woah you smiled!! I've never seen you smile before."

"Then, I'll try to smile a little bit more."

"HONTOU? Hahahahha YAY no more expressionless espressions from KUROKO!!!" then I was playing with his cheeks, making diifferent expressions, but it really is just the smile that he'll give still, there's progress.

So we went home after the game Kagami is still slumpy because I got a basket from him, but that's what you get from underestimating me. So me and Kuroko separated ways with Kagami since me and Kuroko has the same way to our houses I wonder why I never even noticed that oh right lack of presence why do I always forget that!!! Then I saw a tall guy with blonde hair and auburn eyes, he has headphones around his neck, in front of my house, wait is that?



Then we made our secret clap like we did when we were children. He's the one that taught me basketball. He has gotten a little taller last time I saw him he was shorter than me and now he's kind of a 6 footer or something if you compare him to...KUROKO. OMG I forgot about Kuroko then when I faced him I saw him staring at him or glaring at him I DON'T KNOW!!! No expressions!!! Maybe it's just staring I mean why would he glare at him right? Right? Better introduce him.

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