Chapter Seven-Shūtoku High

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=Aoi's POV=

Today is the day we face Shūtoku. One of the three kings and they have one member of the GoM, Midorima Shintarou. I was so nervous that I had to wake up in the middle of the night and wasn't able to sleep at all. Good thing my parents left for America last week because their week off will be gone and I got the house all by myself now. So at around 5 in the morning I left the house and headed to the cemetery. I have lots to talk about to Ichi-nii. I hope he can watch what is happening right now because if he is well I need some good luck from him.We're facing a hard opponent today.

So I hopped on my bicycle and started pedaling my way there. While I was on my way Kuroko was going out of his house and started to walk to Seirin. Why is he always early whenever I go there he always have to be on the right time to appear. Is this what they call destiny? HAHAHA YEAH RIGHT!!!! That thought just made me laugh like literally. I'm laughing there like a crazy person pedaling her way to the physiological hospital. Then he noticed.

"Aoi-san why are you laughing so hard?"

"Oh, hey.wait...." I tried to stop laughing and had to catch my breath. "... Okay I'm good, sorry it's just that something crossed my mind."

"What is it?"

"Nothing to care about!!" I smiled very big with the teeth showing I mean really a very big smile I look like a retard.

"Aoi-san are you sure you're okay?"


"Are you going to visit him again?"

"Oh,uh yeah! Wanna come?" Again,why am I asking him to come with me? Well, it is still early anyway there is no harm in asking right? I mean it's 5 o' clock in the morning!!! The sun is not even up yet!!!

"Okay." and again why does he agrees? Well, forget about that he wants to come so what?

I got down from my bicycle and walked with Kuroko because I have to I mean he is walking and I have a bicycle I don't want to let him run while I bike all my way there. He needs his energy for later and I don't want to tire him out. So while going there we were silent, no one was talking, no one wants to open a converation. AWKWARD MOMENT ARISING!!!!! Well, it's not ike this has to go on forever right? Just bring a DAMN TOPIC AOI!!!!

"So uh, uhmm Kuroko...what is Midorima Shintarou like?"

"Why bring this up Aoi-san?" Sure answer the question with a question Kuroko.

"Oh, nothing, it's just that you know our next opponent and all."

"Is that so? Well...he's the type that doesn't want to lose like the others. He's very straightforward and he sometimes relies on his luck. His shoots never misses even considering that high arc."

"Yes I've seen his shots. I know that once he got the ball he never hesitates to shoot and his shooting range is half of the court right?"

"Yes, that is true but how come you know about that?"

"Don't you remember? I'm also interested yet despises the GoM. So it's natural that I know all about them. And remember? I also played against you guys and has a little experience from playing against you guys. Plus, I love to gather information. Especially the one's related with what I like for example basketball. I like it so I gather infromations about it."

"You're very much like Momoi-san.Aoi-san"

"Hahaha really? Well I agree on getting informations part but on gving predictions part? I really don't know about that." Then I smiled at him and he smiled back.

We continued on walking until we arrived the cemetery at around 6 o' clock in the morning and the sun is already up. I said a few words to Ichi-nii but I was wrong. It took me for about an hour to talk to him and it was already 6:50 in the mroning. Riko-senpai said that we need to be there at around 7:30 but getting here takes about an hour we need to be there early because the game won't be held in a school or a high-class gym but in a colliseum or something where there would be a massive audience watching us. I got a bicycle with me I can get there at about 7:30 but how about Kuroko? He needs hs energy for later and I don't wantt to tire himself because of this. It seems it'll come to this then.

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