Chapter 1

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"Come on yn time for school"your mom said as she stepped in your room.

"Ok I'm up mom"you said as you walked to your bathroom.

"Ok breakfast on the table"your mom said as she went downstairs.


Well let me fully introduce myself my name is yn yln I'm 18 I'm a senior in highschool I'm African american I have both of my parents in my life they are very supportive I have two crazy best friends name kk and krissy....I get bullied all the time but I just ignore it. I'm a huge trevor Jackson fan like yass I always wear shades so I can hide a mistery or whatever....but I got up this morning and put on some acid tone jeans with my white jays and a white shirt that say I love me.

"Are you ready sweetie"your dad ask as he kisses your cheek.

"Yea I'm ready"you say as you get into the car.

"So are you gonna go to that trevor Jackson concert?"he said as he was driving to school.

"Yeah me kk and krissy are don't mind if we take the car?"you asked.

"As long as you don't crash it then yes."he says.

"Thanks dad"you smile.

"No problem sweetie were here have a nice day in school"he says as he kiss your cheek.

"Ok bye dad"you say as you head into the school building.

"Wide load...beep beep beep"some random chick says as she laughs.

"Bitches"you say as you head to your locker.

"Wassop look cute"kk says as she leans against your locker.

"Yea I see you I see you"krissy says as she eats a snicker.

"What ever be ready at 5 so we can go to the concert"you say as you grab your supplies and close your locker shut.

"Yea yea Justin said he's having an after party....god he is fine."krissy says as she fake faints.

"Anyway Kenny told me about that so yea we can hit that place up after the concert"kk says.

"Well I got to go to class see you guys later"you say as you walk to class.

"Bye"kk say as she starts walking to class.

~skipping to lunch~

"Hey guys"you say as you sit down.

"Hey boo"krissy say as she take a bite into her lunch.

"Yn you never eat lunch I don't know why"kk asked.

"I don't want to eat to much you know I'm already 285."you say as you look down.

"So and your beautiful"krissy says as she lefts yn head up.

"Thank you krissy"you say as you smile.

"No problem"krissy said as she continue eating.

"Well y'all ready to go because I have to look good for the concert"kk says as she gets into her car.

"Bye Felicia"krissy says as she walks away.

"I hope this concert be fun."you say as you head home.

Yeaaaaaa I would like to give a shout out to my Bestfriend _kay_2wice_ follow her and read her boring ass stories like naww they good.

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