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"Sorry," Bulma paused, wiping a stray tear from her eye, ignoring Vegeta's grumble as she stifled a giggle.

He had approached her in the kitchen while she was preparing breakfast and was not expecting such a reaction from her when he came to her for advice. Then again... why was he even surprised? He rolled his eyes as she calmed herself down before continuing.

"So he had his fist up your ass and you— "

Vegeta interrupted with a scoff and scowled at her, "Will you take this seriously!"

"Hey, you're the one telling me how your boyfriend was using you as a hand puppet," Bulma said before she began laughing all over again, almost dropping a plate in the process.

"Knew I shouldn't have told you this!"

"You really like this guy, I say he's been the best thing for you," she grinned, causing Vegeta to roll his eyes once more at her. "I'm being serious, before you wouldn't even openly talk about sex, let alone be so willing to experiment."

Vegeta huffed and crossed his arms. The woman had a point, though. Ever since he met his master, he had been more open about sex and talking about it.

Heat radiated from his face on reflecting about how it all started to where it has gotten to now. From being too appalled to lick his master's boot to currently dating him and having kinky sex, all the while trying to dominate him.

Now here he was talking to his housemate about all that had gone on with his master to seek advice, only to get laughter. Damn, Tarble claimed he was 'busy' so he couldn't go talk to him about all of it and get advice. Then again, he would presumably get a similar reaction.

As he was in his thoughts, he noticed Yamcha stroll into the room, and watched as his other roommate offered an amiable smile before leaning against the kitchen counter next to Bulma.

"So whatcha guys talkin' about?" Yamcha asked with an inquisitive stare.

Bulma let out a small giggle before she cleared her throat and grinned, "Well Vegeta here is telling me about how his boyfriend was fisting him, and the other kinky things they're doing as well."

Vegeta groaned, why did she have to tell him that, and moreover he didn't like the suggestive look that Yamcha was giving him. No way are they going to have any more repeats of that threesome from last time, Kakarot is his, and his alone!

Yamcha licked his top lip and raised his eyebrows suggestively, "So maybe we can have a-"

"Nope!" Vegeta cut in before Yamcha had a chance to say anything else. "Absolutely not, we're not having an open relationship, that was a one-time thing that happened, and it won't happen again."

"Isn't that a part of your boyfriend's job?" Yamcha raised an eyebrow with a small smirk forming on his lips.

"What?!" Vegeta wrinkled his nose in disgust, so they have a threesome with his master once, and now this cheeky fuck is expecting more.

"You guys slept together before you became a thing, right?"

"He--" Vegeta swallowed hard and his eyes cast onto the floor. "He doesn't have sex with his clients, that was a... one-time thing," he said with some hesitance, recalling the fact Kakarot had slept with a client before.

But that was different. They are now a couple and neither of them were interested in sleeping with other people. At least that was the impression his boyfriend had given him. Neither really spoke openly about it. Unlike his house mates, he never understood nor wanted to have an open relationship. Then again — he glanced at Bulma and Yamcha, it seemed to work for them, and they appeared pretty happy.

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