First visit.

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'Why am I doing this?' Vegeta pondered to himself. He had mentally prepared for this an hour before. Despite the various scenarios he went through in his mind, this just wasn't how he envisioned at all.

When he first looked at the address, it perplexed him to discover it was a business ran in an actual house. He predicted it to be some secluded building away from other residences. Come to think of it, that would be more creepy... when he had reached outside the house doubts occupied his mind believing it was some prank. The house was remarkably welcoming, and not in the 'come inside and fuck' kind of way — whatever that's supposed to look like. A small rose garden was the initial thing he had spotted before his eyes trailed toward the two-storey home.Outside looked immaculate which in a way didn't actually settle his nerves as he believed it must have been a wrong address, since when do dominatrix have time to maintain the outside of their house? In fact, he did not understand what he was to expect, he didn't even know that there were forms he had to complete before he could see a Dom. Nappa didn't actually explain much other than he had an option between two people, the female was more experienced which Vegeta had debated, but he also wanted to take on his brothers' advice and experiment more so opted for the male. After great deliberation with himself and pacing back and forth outside the property before the front door had opened, 'fuck how long was he out there for?' he was escorted inside by a woman who had given him a side eyed glance over before leading him into the lounge. She probably was curious as to why he was pacing outside the property, or perhaps that was the norm for new clients. She had said little to him, other than introduce herself as Chi-Chi and gestured for him to take a seat on the cream leather settee that faced opposite a recliner.

"Would you like a drink of anything?" she asked him and darted her eyes towards the clock centered on the mantelpiece. "He shouldn't be long now."

Vegeta could feel his throat constrict, damn was his mind going on overdrive. Perhaps this was a mistake. He didn't know what he signed himself up for. The questions on the application form he had filled were... a little concerning. He cussed himself for being so curious too. The woman did not look like a dominatrix. The house seemed like the usual modern family home. She stared at him, waiting for a response.

"I'm good." He eventually responded to her and observed the way she presented a tight-lipped smile and clasped her hands together. Was that the wrong answer? He felt as though he had insulted her by the look she gave him. 

A sudden loud clatter resonated from down the corridor, which of course Vegeta's mind dashed into the plausible cause of the sound none of which were pleasant nor reasonable thoughts. He darted his eyes towards the door already planning his emergency escape if needed. Chi-Chi excused herself from the room, and he could hear her voice faintly alongside a males voice. Intrigued, Vegeta leaned forward on the settee in some poor attempts to look past the door frame that was hindering his view.

"What the hell?!"

Vegeta heard Chi-Chi shriek, more clattering was heard before she shrieked again.

"You have a client waiting in the next room, just go see him whilst I sort out this mess!"

He heard her growl at the male. Footsteps were heard heading towards Vegeta's direction. He rested back and composed himself, his heart skyrocketing as the footsteps drew closer, and he looked straightforward at the empty recliner than the doorway. 'This was a mistake,' his conscious mind relayed over and over.

"Vegeta is it?" a males voice asked from the direction of the door way.

Vegeta swallowed back the hard lump forming in the back of his throat. With hesitance, he turned his neck to the side to face the source of the voice. His heart throbbed as there stood the man who would dominate him. He wore a tight-fitting shirt that showed his defined muscles, with straight fit pants. Vegeta's eyes wandered down the male's body as they walked towards the recliner, and soon as their back was facing him just for a few seconds he got a glimpse of the firm backside the pants hugged so nicely around it. Vegeta crossed his legs as he could feel his cock strain against his trousers. He watched the man lean back on the recliner and leaned to the side and pulled out a file, then glanced through some notes before grinning over at him.

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