Dining and Dildos

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((It's getting closer to the end, I'll be working on completing my stories in the next coming weeks as I start a new fic. :)))


Only after a few days did Vegeta find himself in his brother's office once more. But instead of talking, he was currently engrossed in the new third -dimensional penis model resting on Tarble's desk. It was so authentic and honestly made him think of other things. His lips trembled into a grin as filthy thoughts saturated his brain. The lewd faces his boyfriend pulled while he sucked him off in the shower the morning before heading here resurfaced in his memory.

An abrupt shake of his head shook off the obscene thoughts, he can reminisce that later, for now, he needed to speak to his brother for some advice. Since he was taking the lead in the bedroom, he wanted to delve into new ways to bring his lover to intense pleasure, the kind that would leave him weak at his knees, a panting, sweaty mess covered in their bodily fluids.

No. Vegeta shook his head once more, now was not the time to get distracted in such lewd thoughts again.

Unfortunately, his brother was content to ignore him as he was typing away at his computer. He cleared his throat, trying to get his attention, which seemed to work as his brother let out a drawn-out sigh.

"What do you want this time, Vegeta? I'm trying to catch up on all these emails."

Vegeta pursed his lips, "I've been exploring more in the bedroom-"

Another sigh from his brother cut him off. "What advice do you need from me this time, and more importantly, when are you going to start paying for these sessions?"

Rolling his eyes, Vegeta continued on, "I was about to say that I've been enjoying taking charge during the sessions I do with him, and using some of those toys too. Especially the cock rings-"

"I hope you know how cock rings actually work when you're using them," Tarble snorted as he cut Vegeta off again.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well-" Tarble leaned back on his office chair and steepled his fingers, a complacent expression formed as Vegeta scrunched his eyebrows at him, "There are a few who assume it's meant to stop ejaculation, but it doesn't. It simply allows one to stay harder for longer and still allows for ejaculation. In fact, it can make orgasms more intense too."

Vegeta scrunched his nose as he felt a bit internally shocked by the information. Though he made sure to not show his shock, didn't want his brother to think he was unaware of such a common fact.

"Well duh, I knew about that," Vegeta scoffed.

Tarble arched his eyebrow at him, "Of course you did," he replied in such a dry tone, "why– why do you insist on visiting me for advice on your sex life?"

"It is your job to–"

"No Vegeta, it is not my job to discuss your sex life, I am your brother for Christ sakes! I have been working overtime here, and I am –"

"Look, you're the only one I can trust to share some of these personal things with," Vegeta could feel his chest tighten at just the confession.

"You know dad is in reception, right?" Tarble shared a knowing look with him, as much as they are close to their father, they knew he was pretty much hopeless when it came to giving them advice on sex.

"Yeah," Tarble sighed and leaned forward, "best not go to him for advice, last time an ex of his offered to peg him he cried in the corner of the room cradling a bottle of rum."

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