Relief and Tension

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Upon waking, Vegeta hazily propped himself up on his elbow while rubbing the remainders of his sleep from his eyes. Loud snoring from Yamcha was heard next to him, causing him to glance over and recognize Yamcha's arm around him. In an instant, he shoved the arm off him and looked around the room to find his bearings. His brain finally registered that he was still in the living room when he noticed his collar on the floor alongside his and Yamcha's clothing. It came apparent that the two had fallen asleep on the couch after their sex, they only had a thin blanket between them covering their lower halfs.

Vegeta couldn't hold back his complacent smirk, perceiving he had surely displeased his master. It would presumably teach Kakarot a lesson to not dupe him into believing he is the favorite. One thing Vegeta despised the most was being lied to, and he hoped he had made his point on his dislike of being led to believe he was the mere special one.

There was a loud rumbling sound that reverberated the floor accompanied by an obnoxious ringtone. A quick observation revealed the source of the noise was from inside the pocket of Yamcha's lounge pants that were entangled with Vegeta's clothing. Vegeta glimpsed over at Yamcha still fast asleep and began nudging him repeatedly in the side to wake up. He sighed as Yamcha let out a low groan and started to turn, just as he did, he fell onto the floor and caused a loud thud followed by a gasp shortly after.

"What the fuck?!" Yamcha called out as he sat up with eyes wide open while looking around the room frantically with his hand sprawled across his chest.

Vegeta grunted and frowned over at the phone that reverberated again behind Yamcha, "mind answering your phone or at least put it on silent?.. that's the most obnoxious ringtone I've ever had the delight to wake up to." He sneered.

Yamcha shook his head and chuckled in response while he reached his arm out behind him to grab his phone. Just after he had dragged the phone out from the heap of clothing he hesitated and narrowed his eyes on the caller ID as it rang again. "It's Bulma," he glanced up at Vegeta who gave him an idle expression before answering the call. "Hey Baby what's up?"

The two men exchanged an awkward, tight-lipped smile while listening to Bulma vent about her night out on the other end of the phone. Vegeta could just about hear the exasperation in her tone as she extended to call her friends all the names under the sun. It always intrigued him why she even bothered with these people when all she does is bitch about them. The look of dread lay thick on Yamcha's face as he moved the phone away from his ear. Her voice could be heard distinctly from where Vegeta was sitting. He rolled his eyes when she mentioned how she was spending an extra day at the spa with the exact people she hadn't long complained about.

This was another reason why Vegeta had no interest in dating anyone. He couldn't live with the drama it generally came with. Well... He was simply going by experience.

"Looks like it's just you and me again," Yamcha rubbed the back of his neck and looked back at Vegeta.

Vegeta let out a meager chuckle while stretching, "Yeah it is, but we need to get cleaned up."

Yamcha nodded in agreement and made his way into his en-suite bathroom.Vegeta heard the sound of a shower being turned on moments after and knew Yamcha was getting in there.

He peered down on the floor and saw his phone, then picked it up; he was amazed to see no messages or calls from his master; he had to concede that it unsettled him as he didn't know what he might do?

He did feel smug that he slept with Yamcha to teach his master not to pull tricks on him like that but another part perturbed about what he might do to Vegeta as a punishment or would he just cancel all of Vegeta's appointments and make it to where he was never authorized back there again.

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