Dull Routine

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Vegeta whined into the pillow, his head pounding and mouth dry with unpleasant aftertaste of liquor. He lazily reached his arm out to feel for the alarm clock blaring rambunctiously,the alarm's undulating high-pitched sounds grated his nerves, and it seemed the longer he struggled to blindly find the snooze button the higher the pitch became. Gone were the days when he could drink a lot and wake up early morning with no aftereffects from the bitter liquid. After a few moments of tapping his hand around the alarm to locate the snooze button with patience wearing thin, he grasped the alarm and flung it; the alarm ricocheted off the wall spilling out its batteries as it landed on the floor. Knowing he had to get out of bed, Vegeta shifted onto his back with a sigh of annoyance. He raised his heavy eyelids half-way only for them to fall shut. This would be a long-suffering day saturated with regrets from last night.

"How's the hangover treatin' you?" chirped a recognizable female voice they giggled as Vegeta let out a blunt groan in response. "We making some bacon and egg sandwiches, if you get up now you can have some before we leave for work."

Just the thought of eating made Vegeta's stomach lurch and gurgle. The pain throbbing in his skull didn't help with the queasy feeling either; he tried to open his eyes again only to squeeze them shut as the pain was intolerable.

"Good thing we have some migraine relief, looks like you going to need it."

Vegeta let out another short groan and a whine of discomfort as he opened his eyes, his vision disorientated but could make out the outline of his friend talking to him. She was leaned against the doorway with a hand rested on her hip as she said something else, however it came out muffled as it was a struggle for him to even concentrate with a pounding headache. 

"How are you wide awake?" Vegeta rasped and reluctantly removed the blanket off him to sit up.

The cool air swept against his skin, and he stared at the wall in front of him, allowing his eyesight time to adjust to the natural light. Vivid images from last night crawled into his thoughts, reminding him what they had done. Not that he regretted what he had done, he'd be lying if he claimed he didn't enjoy it. Even the hand job from another man excited him, and yet it was all so new to him which sparked some interests. He directed his attention onto Bulma still stood there; she was wearing one of her high waist skirts with a white halter-neck blouse. She didn't show any signs of nursing a migraine in fact; she looked refreshed and ready to take on whatever challenges she may encounter in work. How come he was feeling more delicate than her, last he knew they all had the same amount of drink between them perhaps it's official, he is now a lightweight? Never suffered from hangovers in the past. His smug attitude towards that is perhaps the reason he's suffering now. It was so bad that he was mulling over if he should call in sick and keel over allowing the hangover demons to jab into his cranium informing him how foolish he is, whilst they allow him to lie to himself how he would never touch a sip of alcohol again. Only for the same cycle to happen the following week.

"Perhaps because I can handle my drink better than you," Bulma teased and winked at him. "I'll tell Yamcha to keep some sandwiches aside for you, I think you're gonna need it." 

Vegeta gaped for a second as she mentioned Yamcha. Does she even know what had transpired whilst she was in the shower? He groaned massaging his temple as it started to pulse violently. The thought of going into work in such a state caused his head to hurt more, he buried his face into his hands and cussed at himself for thinking it was a grand idea to join his friends drinking when he has work the following day.

After several attempts to pull himself out of bed, Vegeta had successfully managed to have a shower and dressed ready for work. He was so grateful the migraine relief had helped relieve his pounding headache, and surprisingly the sandwich settle his queasy stomach. The couple hadn't mentioned their antics from last night and the car journey to work was a little awkward for Vegeta. Observing the couple glancing at each other smiling and giggling, Vegeta sat in the rear seats and watched such repulsive affections. He detested it, loved the sex, despised the affections, it left his stomach unsettled whenever such affections were displayed.

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