Green with envy.

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Vegeta strolled out of his brother's office it seemed the appropriate time to escape. During their conversation Tarble had told Vegeta to hold on while he collected a bunch of beanbags then went to the door of his office then opened it and Vegeta watched him throw one of them and he knew who the target was. Perhaps he hadn't picked the best days to visit his brother although it was comical watching his father get pelted by different coloured beanbags.

"What the hell was that for!?" Vegeta heard his father yell at Tarble.

"I heard what you said!"

"I didn't say anything, I was thinking it!"

Vegeta witnessed Tarble throw another beanbag down the hall and presumably hit their father again.

"Quit throwing those at me!"

"Quit mooching off my job!"

"Never!" he heard his father scream before Tarble unleashed all the beanbags he was holding and threw them all and hit their intended target. Vegeta heard something fall over out there and could only speculate Tarble had knocked him out of the chair with the force of his beanbag throwing.

"Anyway," Tarble let out a puff of air and turned to face Vegeta. "Are you sure you do not want to discuss premature ejaculation, I do have some pamphlets about it and- "

"No, you're fine, I do not have a problem with that... it was a one-time thing," Vegeta interrupted while evading his brother's glance, he wasn't certain just how red his cheeks went — judging by the heat felt from that area, his face could function as a nightlight.

Why did he neglect to remind himself about his underwear? What a magnificent thing to leave at someone else's residence. A small groan reverberated from his chest recalling that message he received and could only imagine his master's initial reaction for he knew what his would have been.

Thoughts of despair dwindled in his mind as his focus moved back on the potential other favorite person his master may have. Envious, was that what he was feeling right now? He glimpsed back at Tarble who lifted an eyebrow at him, god knows how long he stood there with these thoughts but concluding by his brothers annoyed expression he had outlived his welcome, and he did not want to turn into the next beanbag target.

Vegeta got into the car and gripped hard on the steering wheel as jealous thoughts were faltering in his mind. Thanks to his brother's remark regarding another person with a special collar. Why was he even letting this bother get to him so much? After all, he was paying a man to provide him some form of gratification. This man was doing his business. That was to pleasure others and to make them feel — special. His eyes enlarged at this realization.

There was only one way he could settle his paranoia, and that was to make a quick diversion to his master's house. If there were to be any other 'special pet' he'd be able to find out and hope to prove his brother's statement to be erroneous.

He started the car and then drove his way to the familiar house in which he had spent two different times with his master in, and he thought about how many more have been there with his master and felt his jealousy spark up even more when he then saw the oh so familiar house. Then he parked his car on the sidewalk at least half a block away from the house hoping maybe if they looked out their windows they wouldn't see his car. He was glad the sun was going down, giving him the cover of darkness for his little jealous fueled stealth mission.

Vegeta stepped out of his car and slowly made his way to the house he tiptoed the way there and when he started to do, so he heard a strange sound almost like music; it was very close to him, and he stopped moving and the music stopped as well. Vegeta looked around, wondering where this music was coming from and why had it stopped when he halted.

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