Change in demeanor

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Confidence was a fickle thing, it could easily waver and be diminished or be upped so much that a person feels like they could do anything. For Vegeta it was the latter, after having a few more 'training' sessions with Chi-Chi over the course of a couple weeks. He felt confident that he could finally dominate his master. The trick was trying to get his master into a position that he could dominate him in.

Luckily he had a plan in place just for this, and if all went well he would be dominating his master. Vegeta already had everything set up, currently waiting already for Goku to come in and start their appointment. He couldn't help but feel a bit giddy with it all, especially with how he was trying to pull all of this off.

It could go well, or it could go bad, either way, Vegeta felt confident. Especially with going through all those 'training' sessions, he never wanted to deal with that again. He shuddered, recalling the multiple clients that had come in, and their weird fetishes. He remembered that he had to keep a bucket on hand with some of Chi-Chi's clients, he still didn't understand how some of these people could like this type of stuff happening to them.

Stilling himself however, as he heard the door to the room open, footsteps followed to reveal his master. Vegeta could feel his breath hitch in his throat, but calmed himself, remembering he wasn't supposed to show any signs of anxiousness. It was hard to do, especially with his master approaching him, but he managed, and now came to his plan and to be assertive.

"Well pet, this is certainly a surprise, you're already here, and you seem to have things set up already. Color me impressed," Vegeta gulped hearing his master's husky voice, already the man had gotten into his assertive self.

He kept his cool, and remained steadfast against his master. He was going to be assertive this time around, and now he had to put his plan into action. Vegeta kept his eye on his master, all the while brushing his fingers across a dildo he had brought with him.

Noting his master's eyes traveled to his hand, and seeing the dildo he had brought caused him to grin. All Vegeta had to do now was give a nice little suggestion to use the toy, and then play along. It was going to be quite a bit of effort, but ultimately worth it in the end.

"I see you brought some toys with you pet, got an idea of what you want to do this time around?"

"Of course, I have a little idea of what we can do. If you humor me by doing it, of course?"

A nod followed his question, Vegeta grinned even more. So far he had gotten his master to agree to this plan, and now to put everything into action. Pressing himself up, he gave his master a quick chaste kiss.

Pulling back, he observed the man's eyes. Seeing those deep pools of onyx staring into him, it made his body shudder before stilling himself. His master went close to him, right up to his ear whispering to him.

"Well, are you going to tell me your little idea, pet or am I going to have to figure it all out on my own?"

Vegeta chuckled, "Well you're going to lay down on the bed, take that dildo, and then push it inside me."

A deep, husky laugh met his ear, making him jump slightly due to the fact of how loud it was. Vegeta watched as his master looked him straight in the eye, seeing an amused glint in them as he did. He could only hope that his master hadn't felt he was being too assertive with telling him what the plan was.

He wanted to be sure that he would give his master full control, well at least the illusion of it. He would be in control of the whole situation, and then assert his own dominance and take control. Then they would have some good fun with Vegeta being the dominant this time around, and he was going to be sure his master enjoyed the experience.

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