Somethings up

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"No, no, no this cannot be happening!" I murmured to myself, pacing around my bedroom. I was in my 'house' that was in some other dimension or something. I dunno. But anyway things were going wrong...I felt weak...powerless. I couldn't even fly, so I changed into my human form. I had my brilliant top hat and blonde hair. I also had an eyepatch. But that didn't matter...I was somehow losing my powers...I needed help. But from who? I sighed. The Pines twins hated me but...maybe they could help. Using my last bit of strength, I teleported to them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hai guys! Ok first things first....this is NOT a sequel to 'Reality is an Illusion.' This is an entirely different book. Next up, DO YOU LIKE IT???!!! I think it will turn out pretty gay. Gay? Wtf autocorrect. I mean it will turn out pretty good. So...until we meet again, Remember reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, byeeeeeee!

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