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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bill studied the bottle for a second, then his eye widened and he gasped. He back away from the bottle and hissed at me.
"Get that thing away from me!" He growled, glaring at the bottle.
"Why? What? What is it?" Bill's eye began to glow red and he glared at me.
"Get it away." He hissed in a low voice. I was legit terrified. I lowered the amulet, and put it in my vest pocket. Bill still seemed on edge though.
"What's in there?" I asked him. He shook his head.
"Like I'm gonna tell you."
"You don't know do you?"
"I do know! It's just that stuff wards off demons...and if you knew exactly what it was, you could use it against me." With a sigh, I nodded. I turned around and let out another exasperated sigh. We still had a long way to go...I think.
"Let's just go." Wendy, for once stayed behind me. We had only walked for 8 minutes when the narrow cave expanded into a large cavern. In the middle of the cavern sat a giant turquoise rock. And on top of that rock, a small purple dragon sat. His bright orange eyes glared at all of us.
"Hello mortalsssss." He hissed in a snake-like voice. He scanned over the five of us. "And hello pig." He growled to Waddles.
"Hello mighty Sazar!" I called to him. I was trying to appeal to him, so hopefully he'd help us.
"Pleasssssssse call me Slyvis." I nodded to him. "We would like your help, Slyvis." The purple dragon stood up, and leaped down the rock. He silently landed and darted over to us.
"I told you my name, mortal. I would like to know yourssssss." I bit my lip.
"Oops sorry. It slipped my mind. I'm Dipper, this is my sister Mabel and my friends Wendy and Bill." The Slyvis's ears perked up at Bill's name.
"Ah, yessss. I know you. Bill Cipher." He weaved around Bill's legs. "But you are human." Slyvis grinned. "I could kill you right now. You are obviously weak." Bill gave Slyvis a frightened look.
"Why would you want to hurt him?" I asked Slyvis. The small purple dragon looked at me.
"Bill hasn't exactly been the nicest to usssss Sssssssazar." He glared at Bill. Bill blushed, obviously embarrassed.
"But, Dipper I am interested. What do you need my help with?" I gulped.
"Well you see...Bill lost his powers and he needs to get back to his home to regain them. And we need someone to teleport us there. Could you help?" The Sazar looked thoughtful for a moment.
"I sssssuppose I could help. But only if you give me ssssssomething in return." I gave Bill an amused look. Bill glared back at me.
"What is it you want?" I asked the purple dragon.
"Well you ssssseee it getsssssss a little lonely down here. And when I'm lonely I grow resssstlesssss. A good ssssspar with one of you would definitely be nice. How about it?" I nodded.
"Sure, but do we have to win?"
"No...but the losssssser has......consssssequenssssssesssss."
"Ok then. We will battle." I looked at my friends....and Bill.
"Who's gonna fight?" Mabel backed away. Wendy looked very uncertain. Bill stared back at me, blankly.
"Bill?" I ask. "Will it be you?" Bill's eye flashes with uncertainty for just one moment, then he nods.
"I don't think you should Bill. After all your still hurt." Wendy said, giving Bill a cautious look.
"I'll be fine. I think." Bill said, stepping forward. He wobbled a bit on his feet, but steadied himself. Slyvis smirked at Bill.c
"Let'ssssss do thissssss." He hissed. Then he lunged for Bill, knocking him down. The Sazar dug his claws deep into Bill's shoulders, and bite down on his arm. Bill let out an agonized cry of pain. He kicked the Sazar off of him, and pulled out his pocket knife. He slashed at the dragon, narrowly missing his arm. The Sazar let out a shrill shriek and opened his jaws wide. A stream of blue fire came out, and Bill side stepped. He lunged for the Sazar, and dug his knife into its body. The Sazar clawed at Bill's face, his claw catching on Bill's eyepatch. He tore the patch off, and proceeded to bite Bill. He lunged for Bill's neck, but Bill twisted away. The Sazar swiftly leaped back at Bill, and landed on his back. He dug his claws into Bill and Bill let out a gasp of pain. Then the Sazar grabbed Bill, by the spine in his jaws. Everyone gasped. Bill looked very worried. We all knew if the Sazar snapped Bill's spine he would be dead. Bill fell limp and tried to squirm away. But the Sazar held tight.
"Fine you win." Bill growled. The Sazar released Bill, and he fell to the ground with an 'oof.'
"As I sssssssaid the lossssser would have conssssssequenssssssessssss." He placed his claws on Bill's back and dug in deep. Then he shredded the skin along Bill's back with one swift swipe. Bill let out an agonized scream. Then the Sazar finished, and Bill lay there, bleeding heavily and gasping for air.
"Ok mortalsssss. I sssshall teleport you to Bill'sssss home." The Sazar looked at us. Then a purple orb appeared in front of him. Mabel, Wendy, Bill, Waddles and I were sucked into the ball. Then the Sazar recited an incantation of sorts. With a flash of purple light, we teleported.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yay they did it! So happyyyyyy! So now what? Bill finds his powers and is restored to his former glory? I hope. So...leave a comment as always and remember, stay toasty my friends...wait...I'm not CinnamonToastKen....remember, reality is an Illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, Bye!

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