More Bad Stuff Happens That Does Not Progress the Story Line in Any Way

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up feeling very cramped and uncomfortable. I stretched my arms and looked around. Where was I? Oh yeah. In that stupid cave. I looked at Wendy, Mabel and Bill and realized that I was still leaning on Bill. I pushed myself away from him and stood up, dusting off my vest. I straightened my hat, and pulled Bill's vest off me. When I stood up, I must have disturbed Bill because he opened his eyes, and glanced at me.
"Heya Pine Tree." He yawned. He stood up and stretched. I handed him his yellow vest and he slipped it on.
"Morning Bill." I said, rubbing my eyes. I glanced down at Wendy and Mabel who lay on the ground, still peacefully asleep. Bill glanced at them as well. A smirk formed on his face and his eye seemed to glow slightly red.
"Bill?" I asked in a worried tone.
"There so peaceful." He said in a sweet voice. "Almost as if they're dead." I backed away at this statement.
"Bill, what are you implying?" I asked, a bit scared.
"Oh, nothing Pine Tree. Nothing at all..." His voiced trailed off and he glanced around the cave.
"Uh...Bill I've been meaning to ask you a question." I said, biting my lip.
"Hm?" Bill asked, turning towards me.
"Well uh...yesterday...when we left the mystery shack your....your eyes-er-eye was if you had been...crying." Bill looked at me for a moment, then turned back away, facing Wendy and Mabel again.
"What are you saying, Pine Tree?" He asked a bit of malice in his tone.
"Well I-I I'm saying that...why? Uh, I mean asking...why were you crying?" Bill stared at the ground.
"You wouldn't understand." He muttered.
"But what if I do?" I pressed on.
"Fine...I...I....never mind."
"Please tell me."
"It doesn't matter." Bill growled, clenching his fists.
"What if it does?"
"It doesn't matter!" Bill hissed, whipping around. He stalked towards me. "Pine Tree, drop the topic or I might hurt you. And the reason I'm not telling you is because it's personal!" I backed away from him.
"Bill I'm sorry I-uh....I'm sorry." Bill snorted and walked away, towards the other end of the cavern. He sat down and put his head in his hands, glaring at me. I glared back at him. He was truly an ungrateful person. I had helped save his life and he repays me by doing this. Great. I glance back over at Wendy and Mabel who were surprisingly still asleep. I cautiously walked back over to Bill, and sat down next to him. With a sigh, he glanced at me.
"What?" He growled.
"I'm bored." I said quietly.
"I'm ready to continue the mission." He replied. I nodded in agreement.
"I hope those two wake up soon." I said, pointing to Wendy and Mabel.
"Mhm." Was all he said. I looked over at him. He sat stretched out against the cavern wall.
"You should thank Wendy when she wakes." I state, suddenly.
"She saved your life." Bill looked confused for a moment then, he looked as if he remembered.
"Yeah, I suppose I should." We sat in an awkward silence until Bill spoke up again.
"I like this." He said. "Having people to talk to. It's nice." I gave Bill a strange look. I had never really thought of him being lonely. I thought all he did was stalk me and Mabel. But he to must have a life of his own.
"Hey Dipper, hey Bill." I was pulled away from my thoughts at the sound of Wendy's voice. She stood up, and stretched, then crossed the cavern over to Bill and I.
"Hello Wendy." I said.
"How are you feeling, Bill." She asks, glancing down at him.
"Fine I suppose. Thank you Wendy...for all your help." Bill replied, blushing a bit.
"We should continue on through the cave as soon as Mabel wakes up." I suggested.
"I'm already up!" I looked behind Wendy to see Mabel sitting up from her spot.
"Then let's go!" Bill said, happily standing up. We all started back on the path, Wendy in the lead. We had only gone about 10 minutes when Bill started lagging behind a bit. Wendy fell back to where Bill was at.
"Are you doing ok?" She asked, concern in her eyes.
"I'll be fine." Bill replied, in a raspy voice. His breathing had become messed up again, and now he took short, quick intakes of breath again. I could see Wendy was becoming worried again, but she didn't stop.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I could feel pain beginning to blossom throughout my lungs again. It was awful. Dipper had definitely messed something up when he choked me. I began to slow down, even more than before, trying to regain my breathing speed.
"Maybe we should stop for a break." Wendy suggested, glancing at me. It was nice to have someone to care for was good. I nodded to Wendy as if to say 'yes lets stop.' I leaned up against the cavern wall, taking deep inhales. Mabel, Dipper and Wendy all stared at me...which was making me very uncomfortable. I awkwardly shifted my feet and gave them weird looks. Dipper and Mabel got the signal and looked away.
"Hey, uh Wendy." Mabel started awkwardly. "I kinda have to pee." I stifled a snicker. Hehe human bodies are funny.
"Then go find a spot out of our view and go." Wendy said, in a slightly irritated voice. Mabel nodded, and went over behind a boulder just to the left of us. Awkward much? After Mabel finished Dipper let out an irritated sigh.
"Can we continue on?" Dipper asked. Wendy glanced at me.
"No not yet...we should really wait until his breathing is back to normal."
"Ugh! We'll never get through this quest! We spend more time resting than actually traveling!" He walked over to me.
"And it's all because of you!" He placed an accusing finger on my chest. I glared at him. "This is all your fault! We wouldn't be here if it weren't for your stupid problems! You should have just tried to get your powers back yourself! But you dragged us along as well!" Dipper glared at me.
"It's not my fault!" I hissed.
"You dragged us along on this!"
"You agreed to it!"
"You keep stopping us because of your stupid breathing problems!"
"The problems that you caused!" I let out an angry growl. "Stop it Dipper." I snapped. "I can see what your doing. Your manipulating my mind. Your trying to frustrate me. To break me. Your trying to snap me. And it's working. Do you better back off or your gonna wish you had." My eye began to turn a shade of red. I clenched my fists. Dipper calmly spoke the words that pushed me off the edge: How can I break something that already as broken as you?
I lunged at him letting out an inhuman screech. I knocked him to the ground and pinned him down. He struggled yo pushed me off but I pushed him down hard.
"Bill stop!" I heard Wendy yell. But I ignored her.
"I will hurt you." I whispered into Dipper's ear. "I'll hurt you real bad." I reached for my pants pocket, and pulled out a small knife. Just then something attacked me from behind, rolling me off of Dipper. I let out an angry growl as I tried to fight Mabel off me. I kicked at her stomach, but she held on to me. I lashed out with the blade, but she stayed just out of its reach. Dipper then pinned down my right arm. Mabel pinned down my left, and knocked the blade out of my hand. Wendy came and pinned my kicking legs down, onto the floor. I yelled out and hissed at them, spitting empty threats at them.
"Let go of me or I'll tear your guts out!" I hissed at Dipper, and I tried to bite him. He dodged and glared at me.
"Bill stop." Wendy calmly spoke. She gave me a sad look. "This isn't like you." She ran her fingers through my messy blonde hair, and gazed into my eye. "Please stop this...this...this monster, Bill." She pleaded. Monster. That repeated over and over in my head. Monster. Monster. Monster. I've turned into a monster.
Am I really a monster?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Well that happened. Yeah. I dunno. I'm tired and it's 1:00 in the morning. Greeeeaaaaaaaat. Whatever. Good night. Or morning. Dunno. Don't care. Pears. Remember reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold. Bye.

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