Age Altering Crystals

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mabel parted the leaves of the bush, and began to crawl into the small hole. Waddles followed close behind, and then it was my turn. I crouched low to the ground and crawled under the bush, then into the sloping hole. I squeezed into the entrance, wondering how Bill expected to fit in. Wendy was very slim and would probably be able to get in with few problems but Bill was more muscular and his shoulders would definitely get in the way. And if he got stuck, Wendy would be stuck to, because she said that she would take up the rear. I began crawling down the sloping tunnel, hoping that everything would go right.
We had been going down the tunnel for about three minutes when Mabel called from ahead.
"Guys I see a large cavern!" She excitedly began to crawl faster, kicking up dirt behind her. Waddles raced behind her kicking up stones in my face. I tried crawling faster but between the dirt and stones I couldn't. I began choking and coughing in the gross air.
"M-Mabel!" I tried to choke out. But she didn't hear me. I could hear Bill and Wendy coughing behind me as well. I could feel my throat closing up a as I breathed in dirt and dust. Suddenly the air was fresh. I took a huge inhale, and realized that I had somehow made it into a large cavern. Mabel and Waddles were already standing up and exploring. Bill and Wendy came gasping out of the tunnel behind me.
"We made it!" I exclaimed. I glanced in awe at the beautiful glimmering crystals that lined the walls of the cavern. Red and green ones glowed with brilliant light from all angles.
"This is beautiful!" Wendy said, standing up behind me.
"It truly is brilliant." Bill exclaimed.
"Ooh these crystals are pretty!" Mabel said, walking up to a large shiny red one that protruded from the ground.
"Mabel don't touch that!" I yelled to her. "Remember they are age altering crystals!" Mabel backed away from the crystal. "Oh yeah." She said, sheepishly.
"So now where do we go?" Wendy asked from behind me. I opened up my journal and flipped to the page.
"It says here that you just need to walk through the cavern and that we will reach a smaller cave that connects to this larger one. That's where the Sazar is at."
"Then let's go." Bill said, as he began walking through the large cavern. I followed behind him with Wendy, Mabel, and Waddles following behind me. Suddenly Bill let out a gasp, as he tripped over a small gray stone. He fell forward and collapsed on top of a red crystal. I let out a gasp as I seen the crystal slice through his body and come on through his back. Blood began to seep out of the large wound. Everyone gasped in horror. Suddenly Bill was surrounded by a bright white light. The light flickered for a few seconds and then disappeared.
Everyone was shocked at what now stood before them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ouch. Dat must have hurt. Ok so wow Bill great job. You probably killed yourself. I dunno. But I told you guys something was going to go wrong! Ok so I'm going to post the next chapter later today. And then tomorrow I'm going to post chapters for my Loki fanfic. So yeah. Remember, reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold bye!

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