Orb Hunt

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I gasped in awe as we teleported to a golden mansion. The exterior was stunning. It glowed in the little light...where were we?
"We have reached our destination." Bill weakly said. "My home in the dreamscape."
"It's beautiful." Mabel said in awe. She walked up to the front door, and turned the shimmering golden nod. Bill and I followed close behind, Bill leaning on me for support.
"I love your home." Wendy whispered as we entered the mansion. Everything was back and yellow. Classic Bill. A yellow couch with a black swirly pattern sat in the middle of a large living room. Across from it was a gigantic golden flat screen tv. Next to the couch was the biggest bookshelf I had ever seen.
"Wow Bill!" Mabel called from where she was at in the kitchen. Bill and I went over to see what she was doing. Mabel had opened a golden cabinet, revealing what looked like millions of bags of Doritos.
"Care to explain?" I glanced at Bill, stifling a laugh.
"Um...they taste like a gift from Heaven." Was all Bill said. Mabel giggled. "Ok I'm going to go change." Bill said, glancing down at his torn clothes. Bill let go of me, and slowly limped over to the stairs. He went up and Mabel and I began exploring some more.
"Let's go upstairs!" Mabel suggested. I nodded and raced up the stairs, opening the first door on my left. I really wished I had knocked first, because this was Bill's room...and he was still changing. He had new pant and an eyepatch on, but he wasn't wearing a shirt. And truthfully, he was very muscular. I awkwardly stared at him, until he noticed me.
"Like what you see, Pine Tree?" He asked with a smirk. I slowly closed the door, and wondered if I would ever be able to get that image out of my head. To make matters worse, thats when Mabel came along.
"Hey, what's in there?" She asked.
"Bill's room." I stated. "And he's still getting dressed."
"Haha you went in there?" She asked with a giggle. I nodded.
"I wish I hadn't."
We looked around some more and found various other cool rooms. We searched around some more, until Bill came and found us. He brought us back down stairs, and we sat with Wendy on the couch.
"Ok Pine Tree, what does your book say about the location of my powers?" Bill asked.
"Uh it says..." I flipped to the page. "Well it could be anywhere in this house, and it's a large yellow orb about the size of a bowling ball. Whoever finds it DO NOT TOUCH IT. Unless you are Bill. Touching the orb gives you the powers inside of it. Mabel and Wendy nodded.
"Let's go on an orb hunt!" Mabel said happily.
We all split up into teams. Wendy said she wanted to hunt alone. Mabel and Waddles were to search downstairs, and Bill and I were to search upstairs. We went upstairs, and began the search starting in Bill's room. Bill was still very weak from his fight with the Sazar, so he moved quite slowly. Luckily I had a bunch of energy and searched quickly. I opened his closet to find a bunch of identical yellow vests and black and white shirts. No orb in there. I looked under Bill's king sized golden bed. Nothing. Only books on his bookshelf, no orb. Bill and I went over to the next room, a library. We searched but couldn't find anything. We searched each and every room best we could. As we searched, I decides to question Bill a bit more.
"Bill...I know you don't want to talk about this, but I want answers." He looked at me.
"So since we made a deal, that you would answer two questions for me I'm going to use the first one." Bill knew what I was going to ask, before I said it.
"Pine Tree, please don't."
"Bill...Why were you crying back at The Mystery Shack?" Bill glared at me.
"I hate you Pine Tree...and wouldn't you rather use the question on something worth while?"
"Tell me Bill."
"Fine." Bill sighed and looked down at the ground. "I felt awful without powers. I felt vulnerable. Weak. I felt like the whole world was against me. And really, it's always been. But it could never kill me. I only realized that then."
"So what are you saying?"
"I'm saying that the feeling of weakness and vulnerability is awful. It was....stressful." I nodded.
"Welcome to my life." I whispered.
"Pine Tree, I admit you are very funny." Bill said with humor in his tone.
"And Bill, I admit you are quite muscular." I replied with a laugh. Bill chuckled at this. "Do you think maybe we could be...acquaintances after this ordeal is over?" I asked, my tone serious again. Bill sighed.
"I wished it were just as easy as that." Bill replied, a dark look forming on his face. "But I have big things coming."
"Can't you just stop those big things? End your plan?"
"You have no idea how long I've been working on this. I started this before even you existed."
"What is your plan?" Bill stopped.
"It's secret." With a sigh, I continued searching for the orb.
"Will your plan hurt people?"
"I don't want it to. But it might. It just might."
"But could we still be friends? At least for a little while?" I asked.
"Uh...I...I don't know."
"Why?" Bill gave me a confused look. "All I've ever done is hurt you. I forced you to come on this trip. And you want to be friends with me?"
"Bill...I've come to see that there is more to you than the evil demon I knew. You do actually have a soul...and a heart. You and I really aren't so different." Bill laughed a bit.
"Oh, but I have a soul that is dark and a heart that is dead."
"We could be friends couldn't we?"
"Yes. I suppose we could."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Was that a bit to much BillDip? It was fun to write though...even though I hate BillDip. It's quite funny. Hehe Dipper seen Bill without a shirt on. I looked up pictures of 'shirtless Bill' and got absolutely nothing so...yeah. I was gonna give you guys that picture BUT NO. Anyway, the book is sadly coming to a close. Only a few chapters left...BUT THERE MIGHT BE A SEQUAL!!!!!! You want that don't you? Remember reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!

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