The Mystery Shack

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I sighed in relief, knowing that my powers would all come back soon. Everything would end well.
" that it?" Mabel asked. "We finished our what?"
"Well I guess we go home." Wendy replied. "And I think Bill should come with us." Everyone gasped at this, and I raised my eyebrow.
"What? Why?" Dipper asked.
"Well Bill doesn't have all his power back yet and he's still trapped in his human form. Plus he is still injured and needs medical attention." Dipper nodded.
"Yeah I guess he could come back to the shack with us..." Dipper said. "That's only if he agrees though." Dipper gave me a questioning look.
"I....sure. It would be great." I replied, a little unsure of my decision.
"Then we should be getting back." Mabel spoke up.
"How?" I asked.
"Thats a good question." Wendy said, staring at me blankly.
"Can't you just teleport us out?" Mabel asked.
"Uh...I don't think so...I only just started regenerating my powers." I said, studying my hands.
"Then maybe you'll have regained enough power by tomorrow...we can spend the night here, right?" Wendy asked.
"Yeah sure. You guys are welcome to sleep anywhere you want...make yourself comfortable."
"Ok then. Goodnight Dipps, Wendy, and Bill." Mabel said, as she began heading upstairs. Everyone dispersed, to find a place to sleep through the night. I headed up to my room. I opened my door to see a shape laying on my bed. I sighed realizing Shooting Star had beaten me to it. I looked at her sleeping body. She looked so peaceful. I could even say she looked...cute. No matter how nice she may look, I was really looking forward to using my nice, warm, cozy bed. I looked at Shooting Star feeling a bit jealous. Maybe she wouldn't mind if I slipped in next to her...after all it was MY bed. I made my decision and lay down on the far side of the bed, as to not disturb her. I placed my hat on the bedside table and closed my eye. Then, I drifted off to sleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mabel's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up, and stretched in the warm bed I lay in. I stared up at the yellow ceiling th-Wait. Yellow ceiling? Oh yeah. Still in Bill's house. I turned onto my side, and to my surprise I seen Bill. What? Had I slept in the same bed he had? Yuck. I made a disgusted face, then stared at Bill. His hair was messed up from the pillow, and his eye was closed. His breathing was gentle and calm. This was the most at ease I had ever seen him in. I reached my hand out and pushed a few stray bangs out of his face. He looked so peaceful. Actually quite adorable. No! Mabel! He's a demon! You can't like him. But I kinda did. He could be a really nice guy. He just had a bit of a temper.
I pushed the yellow blanket off of me, and went downstairs to find Wendy and Dipper watching tv on the couch.
"Hey guys!" I said cheerfully.
"Hey Mabel." Wendy responded.
"Is Bill up yet?" Dipper asked, looking at me.
"No...why do you ask?"
"Because you spent the night in the same bed." Don't remind me! Gosh Dipper. I blushed at this.
"Dipper stop!" I pushed him playfully. Then I sat down on the couch next to him and Wendy. We watched some tv until we heard a loud crash from upstairs, and a stream of curse words.
"I think Bill's up." I whispered to Wendy.
"Yep." A few minutes later, a sleepy looking Bill came down the stairs.
"Hi Bill!" I said happily. "Do you think you're ready to teleport us to the Mystery Shack?" Bill nodded.
"I think so." With that, we all gathered around him. His eye glowed blue for a second, then a flash of light. And it was over. I looked around at the familiar scenery.
We were back at the shack.
The four of us exchanged glances, then raced over to the shack entrance, Bill lagging behind because of his injuries. We walked in to see a worried Grunkle Stan pacing the gift shop.
"Stan!" I shouted. He looked up.
"Mabel? Dipper? Wendy?" He came over and pulled the three of us into a hug.
"Where were you guys?! You've been gone for three days!" Stan asked, in a worried tone.
"It's a long story." Dipper said.
"We've got time."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~An eternity of Dipper describing what happened later~~~~~~~~~~~
"So let me get this want me to let Bill stay at our house, even though he tried to destroy my mind and take over your body?" Stan asked Dipper.
"Well...Bills changed. We're friends now. And he needs help. He's still injured."
"Fine. Bill can stay." Stan groaned.
"Yay!" I squealed, hugging Bill. His face grew bright red as he blushed. I awkwardly let go of him.
"Uh, let's get you healed up." I said.
~~~~~Time Skip brought to you by Time Baby...Also back in Bill's Point of View~~~~~
I sat on Shooting Star's bed, waiting for Wendy to tighten the last bandage. I had bandages wrapped around my chest and around my back, to cover up the wound dealt by the Sazars wicked claws. She gave the last price a final tug and then announced that she was done. I put my shirt back on, and pulled my vest over. I thanked Wendy, then went into the hallway where Shooting Star sat, knitting a sweater.
"Hey Shooting Star." I said to her. I looked at the well made butterfly she had knit on the front. "Your very good at that."
"Thanks." She said, blushing. "Do you want me to make you one?" I nodded to her.
"That would be cool." She then pulled a measuring tape out of her pocket.
"I gotta take your measurements." She said. She wrapped it around various parts of my upper body, scribbling things down on a sheet of paper. When she finished, she sat back down and began a yellow sweater. My favorite color. I watched as she professionally worked on it. Then, I sat back against the wall and glanced out the window, at the setting sun. It was a truly beautiful sight. It sank down below the pine trees, casting long shadows across the ground. I felt Shooting Star lean against me, but I really didn't mind. I closed my eye and though about the events of the previous days and wondered what was to come next. But as I sat there with Shooting Star resting against me, in the sunlight of the setting sun, I realized that whatever was to come in to future would be...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~
BAM!!!!! Book 1 over! Don't worry guys you'll get a sequel calm your faces. In fact I'll be releasing chapter 1 today! Lucky you. The book will be titled "Powerful." Hehe I know...kind of the exact same as this but someone suggested it to me and it goes along well with what I have planned for the story! So as always, remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYYYYEEEE!!!!!!!

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