An awkward night

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mabel's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dinner was very awkward for Dipper and I. We had locked Bill Cipher in our bedroom, hoping he had enough sense to keep quiet. Fortunately, he did. Unfortunately, he couldn't. Halfway through our awkwardly silent dinner, we heard a crash from upstairs.
"What was that?" Mumbled Stan through a mouthful of spaghetti.
"Ah...just probably Waddles." Mabel said nervously. "Let me go get him." I pushed in my chair, and frantically rushed up the creaking stairs. As I entered my room, Bill Cipher looked up from the book he was reading. He was laying on MY bed. Yuck.
"What was that crash?" I asked, scanning the room for signs of anything broken.
"Uh...sorry. I knocked a few books off the shelf on accident. These human hands are very clumsy." He said calmly. I nodded.
"Just keep quiet." I locked the door, and casually walked down the stairs.
"Yea it was just Waddles, getting into trouble." I said with a laugh. Stan nodded, and I sat down with a quiet sigh.
***********Time Skip***********~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~
"Good night Grunkle Stan." Mabel and I said in unison, as we raced up the stairs. I opened the door to find Bill calmly floating above Mabel's bed, reading a book.
"I thought you said you couldn't fly." I said accusingly.
"I can't. But I can float." He replied, closing the book, and setting it on my nightstand.
"What's the difference?" Mabel asked.
"Flying is hovering in the air, and being able to go places. Floating is hovering in one place." Bill explained, studying his gloved hand. I nodded.
"So do you float while you sleep?" I asked.
"So you don't really need a bed?"
"Uh, no."
"That's good."
"I suppose."
Then there was a long awkward silence. Bill stared at Mabel who stared at me, and I was staring at Bill. Awkward! Then, Mabel broke the silence.
"Good night." She walked over to her bed and climbed in. I did the same into my bed, pulling the covers up to my chest. I watched Bill walk over to the corner. He floated into a seemingly comfortable position and closed his eyes. I stared at him for what seemed like an eternity. It was awkward knowing that my biggest enemy was seeking my help, and sleeping in my room. With that, I shifted onto my side, closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. *BEEP BEEP BEEP* I snapped awake to the sound of Mabel's alarm clock.
"What the heck is that?" Asked a voice...a familiar voice. Bill? Oh yea. Bill was staying with us.
"It's an alarm clock." I explained. "It lets us know when we need to wake up."
"That's silly." Yawned Bill. I didn't question him. I just went with it. Mabel yawned and stretched.
"Let's eat breakfast, then we'll go help Cipher." Mabel said, rubbing her eyes. I nodded to her.
"Bill, you hungry?" I asked sleepily. "Uh, no. I don't think I eat food, even in this mortal form." "Ok." Mabel and I did our daily morning business, and as we finished breakfast, Wendy walked in.
"Hey dorks, ya ready?" She asked. "Yea!" Mabel exclaimed.
"Hey, Stan the three of us are taking the day that ok?" Wendy asked. Stan sighed.
"Fine, you three deserve a day off anyway." He went back to eating his breakfast. Wendy, Mabel and I headed up stairs to where Bill was at. Just as we entered, he turned around from where he was staring at the window.
"Hey Cipher." Wendy said, waving to him. Bill eyed me. I sighed. I hoped Wendy wasn't getting attached to Bill Ciphers human form.
"Ready to go?" Mabel asked. Cipher nodded. As I studies Ciphers face, I realized something was wrong. His eye was all red like he had been...crying. But I was pulled away from my thoughts as Wendy and Mabel started going down the stairs, Cipher close behind.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
HAI OMG IM FANGIRLING TO MUCH THAT PICTURE AT THE TOP IS OF THE BILL CIPHER TOY I GOT EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*squealing* Anyway, so why do you think Bill could have been crying? WHYYYYY!!!! Btw, how was your Easter? Good? Bad? I got a lot of Candy, a Bunnelby plushie, two Bill Cipher thingys, a new drawing book, and a Loki Infinity character. Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram buy gold, BYYYYEEEE!!!

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