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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I slid back against the cave wall in defeat. There had been no reply. It was likely that Mabel, Wendy and Waddles had been crushed. Dead. I sat down and put my head into my hands. I had lost the things I held most precious to me. Bill sat down next to me.
"I'm sure they're fine." He said looking me in the eyes. "They probably can't hear us." I could feel my eyes begin to water.
"But what if they're not?" I asked, my voice cracking. Bill looked down at his feet. A single tear slid down my face. And a single though ran through my head: Mabel is dead.
Who's fault was it? Who's fault was it.....who forced us to come on this journey...Bill. I glared at Bill, who was still looking down at his shoes.
"This is all your fault." I hissed. Bill looked at me. He had a surprised look on his face.
"Wha-how?" He asked.
"You led us down here! Because of your stupid problems Mabel could be injured or dead."
"You know this isn't my fault, Pine Tree." Bill growled standing up. I stood up as well. "This was an accident. None of us knew this was going to happen!" He hissed. I could see Bill's reasoning...but someone had to be blamed for this. And it was logical to blame Bill. I grabbed the collar of his vest.
"You think you can fight me, Dipper?" He growled, pushing his face close to mine. His single eye began to glow red.
"We're the same age...I'll take my chances." I hissed back. With a screech of anger, he lunged forward, knocking me to the ground. I swung my fist at him, but he pulled back. He kicked me, and his shoe made impact with my face. I tried to stand up, and regain my footing but Bill shoved me back to the ground. He leaped and landed on top of me, pinning me to the ground by my wrists. I kicked my feet at his stomach and he flew back into a wall. I had knocked the breath out of him. He gasped for air and tried to regain his footing, but I pushed him back to the ground. I knocked his head into the ground and he let out a squeal of pain.
"Pain is not hilarious!" He gasped.
I grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the ground with it. I gripped his neck, tightening my grip. He gasped for air, but I had blocked his airway.
"D-dip-p-per." He gasped out.
"You killed my sister so I'm going to kill you." I hissed into his ear.
"I-I d-didn't." I gripped his throat tighter, digging my nails into his skin, and began drawing blood. Then he fell limp. And that's when I had realized what I'd done. I stared in horror at the body of the teenage boy I had murdered. I had murdered him...
"No no no." I hissed in horror. I pressed down on his chest trying to get his heart beating again. I began pressing as hard as possible. No! I had to save him! But there was no way I was doing CPR....Then suddenly Bill let out a gasp. He opened his eye and began coughing, and taking deep inhales. I sat back and watched him struggle for air. Within five minutes he had regained himself. Although he was still kind of gasping he looked fine.
"Bill I'm sorry." I said, giving him a sorrowful look. I bowed my head. He gave me a glance, a wild look in his eye.
"Y-you k-killed me!" He hissed, still gasping for air. I put my hand on his shoulder.
"I didn't mean to."
"You didn't mean to kill me?!" He asked.
"I wasn't thinking..."
"You don't accidentally kill someone!" With that we were both silent. The only sound was Bill drawing in shaky breaths. Then he stood up, leaning against the wall for support.
"Let's go." He whispered. I stood up as well. "Where?"
"Let's continue on. If Mabel and Wendy are still alive they may have done the same. Maybe we can catch up with them." I nodded. This was a good idea. We began down the narrowed tunnel. Bill stayed close to the wall, hanging onto it. For some reason his breathing was still messed up...I must have damaged something when I choked him...We walked down the passage in silence. Suddenly the narrow tunnel began to widen out and the age altering crystals lined the walls again. Bill let go of the wall to avoid touching the crystals, still unsure of their magical abilities. As soon as he let go of the wall, he collapsed to his knees. I reached out my hand and he gratefully took it. I pulled him up.
"You can lean on me." I said to him. With a nod he wrapped his arm around me, and leaned onto my shoulder. (Not in a BillDip way!) We made our way down the tunnel until we reached a part where the cavern that Bill and I were in let out into a larger one. And unbelievably two people sat right at the entrance.
Mabel and Wendy.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wow You killed him. Dang. Poor Bill. Ok, so those of you confused why Bill needed help walking, it's because the breathing problems Dipper caused weakened his whole body, including his legs. Anyway, remember reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYYYYYEEEEE!!!!!

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