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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ah, what a nice summer day! I sat on the porch of the Mystery Shack, admiring the beauty of the forest, trying to ignore Mabel who was rambling on about how great Waddles was or whatever.
"I wish Waddles could fly! Then I could have a flying dragon pig! Dipper that would be so cool!" Mabel said.
"Hey, dorks!" Wendy said cheerfully, pushing open the door to the shack, narrowly missing hitting Mabel.
"Oh uh...Hey Wendy!" I said awkwardly wringing my hands together.
"So, whaddya two doofuses doing?" Wendy asked, casually sitting down.
"Not much." I replied, staring at Wendy's beautiful face. I blushed as she looked at me.
"So-." As Wendy tried to say something, a bright flash of light drove her attention towards the steps in front of the porch. The light disappeared almost as suddenly as it appeared. In its place stood a young man about 16 years of age. He had messy blonde hair, and wore a yellow suit like thing and black pants. He had a black bowtie, and a top hat that seemed to float ever so slightly above his head. His most distinguishing feature was an eyepatch, covering his left eye. The man looked at me, and dusted his clothes off.
"Ah, hello Pine Tree, Shooting Star. Glad I made it here." The voice was all to familiar. It was the voice of Bill Cipher. But it didn't look at all like him.
"For those of you who don't know, the names Bill Cipher." He said eyeing Wendy.
"What? Bill? You don't look anything like your usual self." Mabel suddenly said, jumping up.
"Uh well you see, that's why I'm here." He said, sheepishly.
"Your here so we can see how you look?" I growled at him, slowly standing up, nervously.
"Ah see here I need your help."
"Like we'd ever help you!" Mabel yelled. "Your just a dumb...uh....poop head!" Bill laughed at Mabel's petty comeback.
"Uh, guys what's going on here?" Wendy asked, giving Mabel and I a confused glance.
"This is Bill Cipher. He's the dream demon that went into Stan's mind to get the code to his safe. He's also the guy that took over my body for a day." I explained, bringing back memories I wished to forget. We had already told Wendy a bit about Cipher but she had never actually seen him before. Wendy gave Bill a long look, as Bill leaned against one of the posts supporting the porch roof.
"You said he was a triangle not a hot-I mean human." Bill snickered at this.
"Do you want me to explain or not?" Bill asked in an impatient voice.
"No. We'll never help you. You always end up tricking us." I glared at him. Bill had a hurt expression on his face.
"Come on, Pine Tree please?" Bill begged. This was very unlike Bill. He never begged. And he seemed so desperate. Something was up.
"Fine, Bill. Tell us what happened and we will decide from there."
"Well you see I was going about my daily routine, which includes messing around with people's minds and stuff, when suddenly I began to feel very weak. I teleported back to my home, and decided to stay there and rest for a bit but that did me no good. As I grew weaker, I realized that I couldn't use my powers and I couldn't fly, so I turned into this mortal form. It really sucks to be a human, but that's besides the point. I realized that something or someone was stealing my powers...but to late. I was weak and a powerless. So summoning up the last of my strength I teleported to where I thought I might be able to get help." I stared at Bill wide eyed. This demon, master of the mind, King of lies was asking us to help?
"So what do you want us to do?" I choked out. He grinned at me.
"That journal over yours sure has a lot. I was hoping that it could maybe tell us something on how I might get my powers back." Then I realized it. This was just a clever ploy for Bill to steal my Journal.
"I know what your up to Bill. Your just gonna steal my Journal. No we will not help you." Bill gave me a surprised look.
"No tricks, I swear!" He said holding up his hands defensively. I studied his hands for a moment, noticing quite a few scars on them. Some even looked fresh.
"Bill, what happened to your hands?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. He quickly put his hands back down.
"None of your business, Pine Tree." He hissed, quickly, turning his eye away from me. But I was curious. What did happen? Suddenly I felt Mabel tug at my sleeve.
"Dipper what if he's telling the truth?" Mabel whispered. I looked at Bill who had a slightly hopeful look on his face.
"I dunno Mabel-" "Just look at him, Dipper. He looks so defenseless. We gotta help. I don't think he's lying." She turned to Wendy. "What do you think?"
"I dunno, man." Wendy said, shaking her head. "I barely know what's going on. But I say we should help him." I could see a smile playing at Ciphers lips.
"Ok then." I sighed, turning to Bill. "We will help you."
Bill let out a childish squeal of delight. "Marvelous! Thank you three so much!"
"Come on, Cipher." I said waving my hand, for him to follow. I pushed open the door to the shack and walked in, watching Mabel and Wendy pass me. I held the door open as Cipher stumbled inside. He blushed at his clumsiness.
"I'm not used to having a human body....or legs for that matter." He explained. I sighed and followed behind him as Mabel led him and Wendy up the stairs, into the attic, where Mabel and I slept. Bill half walked half tripped up the stairs, into our room. As he went inside he surveyed the slightly messy room.
"Sorry this place is such a mess." I said softly.
"It's fine. Who am I to judge? You weren't expecting a guest. Anyway, it's a lot nicer than mine." Whoa. This was not the Bill I knew. Mabel and I exchanged worried glances. Bill sat down on my bed, next to Wendy and Mabel sat on her own. I quickly rushed over to my small bookshelf and rummaged through the books, until I found a large red journal, with a golden six fingered hand on the front, with the number 3 in the center. I sat down next to Mabel, and began flipping through the pages. I feel like I had read something about this before.
"No, this isn't it." I mumbled to myself, turning the page. My fingers fumbled through the thin pages of the book, hoping to find what I was looking for. I could practically feel Bill becoming more and more anxious by the second. It was kinda stressing me out, and I could see Wendy and Mabel looking a little uneasy as well. Finally Bill's anxious air was enough to put even the calmest person on edge.
"Will you please just chill out?!" I growled at him. He looked slightly startled that I had yelled at him.
"What do you mean, Pine Tree?" He asked, in a confused tone of voice.
"You're being so anxious that the rest of us can practically feel it. And that's setting us off edge and making us stressed out, ok? Just calm down i'll find it." Bill shook his head.
"Sorry, I'm not used to these human emotions."
"What do you mean, 'human emotions'?" Wendy asked looking at him. As he explained I searched through the journal.
"You see, me being a dream demon means I don't exactly have feelings and emotions. I cannot feel pain or love or anything like that. The only feeling I was ever capable of was hate."
"That's awful." Wendy said, placing a hand on Bill's shoulder.
"Naw, it's fine." Bill said looking down at his feet.
"So this must be hard for you?" Wendy inquired. Bill nodded.
"Human emotions are awful, jeez. I hate having to be so open all the time." Bill growled, straightening up. That's when I found the page I was looking for.
"Bill, I got it!" I yelped, holding my book up. Bill stood up, and walked over, tripping over his own feet in the process.
"On page 27." I said proudly, showing him the page. He reached out to grab the book, but I swiftly pulled it away. "I still don't trust you enough."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yayyyyy first real legit chapter...GO CIPHER YOU ROCK THOSE CLOTHES!!!!!! That was random...but I'm a random potato. So how's this book compared to 'Reality is an Illusion' (If you've read it)
Is it, so far, better, worse or the same level of awesomeness?
I believe it's worse, but that's because it's not exciting yet....remember, Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold BYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!!

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