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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bill sat next to me studying the page.
"It says here, that certain paranormal creatures have the ability to take others away from them. But they cannot use the powers. The powers are put into a kind of storage until the original owner of the powers retrieves them."
"But where are they at?!" Bill asked excitedly, bouncing a bit on the bed.
"It says it's somewhere in the place where you lost them. So like if you were in a forest, your powers would be hidden somewhere in there." I explained, setting my journal down. Bill looked to be thinking for a moment, then his face completely paled.
"What's wrong?" Wendy asked, walking over to us.
"My powers would be in my house then...but the only way to access that place is through teleporting. And I have no powers anymore so..." All four of us sat in awkward silence.
"Does your Journal say anything on a creature that may be able to teleport is there?" Wendy asked, breaking the silence.
"Uh, yea right here." I said flipping a few pages back. Bill peered into the book.
"Sazar." I read aloud. "This purple dragon-like creature has the ability to teleport anywhere through out space and time. But Sazars are not to be trusted. They are rarely true their word and do not keep promises. I have found multiple Sazars deep in Gravity Falls woods, there is a den just right of the path that leads through the forest." I looked at Bill. "Not to be trusted, eh?" I said, smirking. "Sounds quite familiar."
"Shut up, Pine Tree." Bill scowled at me.
"So we need to find a Sazar to get Bill's powers back?" Mabel asked, fidgeting in her seat. Then I realized how crazy this was. We were helping our enemy get his powers back. Powers he could use to abuse and torture us. This was a poorly thought out plan.
"Who said WE would find the Sazar?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "We have helped you, Bill I don't think you need any further assistance getting your powers back." Bill gave me a long look.
"I suppose this is all I have requested of you, so I best be on my way." Bill said, reluctantly standing up.
"Wait." Mabel said. Bill looked at her. "Dipper, Bill has no clue where he's going or even how to properly use a human body. Maybe we should continue helping."
"Why? He's our enemy remember?" Mabel looked to be thinking for a second, then she spoke.
"Maybe we could make a deal." I sighed and thought for a moment. Maybe we could. We could learn some major secrets from Bill in this deal...but he somehow always manages to trick us and get the better end of the deal. But he was powerless now.
"Fine. Bill we shall make a deal." I said, turning to him. "We'll help you get home, and get your powers back. But in return you will give us the answers to three questions. Deal?"
"Haha I get it genies three wishes, turns into Ciphers three answers? I like that kid."
"Wait!" Mabel shouted. "Can I add to the deal?" Bill nodded to her. "You will also leave us alone, and not harass us anymore." Bill reluctantly nodded to her. "But make that two answers and me leaving you alone." Bill said. "Deal." I reply. Bill holds out his gloved hand, weak blue flames surrounding it. I took his hand and we shook. Deal.
"Alrighty then." Bill said, placing his hands on his hips. "Let's go." I nodded to Wendy and Mabel, and we led Cipher down the stairs, each of us praying that he didn't trip and topple us down. As Mabel and I reached the bottom, we looked up to see Bill struggling halfway down. I could hear Mabel stifle a laugh.
"Shut up Shooting Star." Growled Bill, as he clumsily clambered down the last few stairs. We headed to the front door, and outside into the forest. We could see the sky was darkening, preparing for night.
"Uh, guys?" Wendy asked. "Maybe we should wait 'till morning to do this. The night is pretty wicked cold." I looked at Bill and he nodded.
"As long as I get my powers back."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Why do I feel Bill has a thing for Wendy? Just putting that out there, even though they haven't met in the show yet....I like pie. So what do you guys think? Leave a comment! I LOVE COMMENTS!!!!! Remember, as always, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, byyyyeeeee!

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