Lost and Found

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I truthfully did like Dipper. Not in that way! But as a friend. A good friend. We had searched about half the upstairs rooms when Mabel yelled from downstairs.
"I FOUND THE ORB!!!!!!" I let out a girlish squeal of joy, and raced downstairs as fast as my injured body would allow. I ran into the kitchen where Mabel stood.
"Where is it?" I asked, practically bursting with joy. Mabel just stared at Waddles. A horrified look was on her face.
"Shooting Star?" I asked, waving my hand in front of her face.
"H-he touched it." She stammered.
"Waddles. He touched the orb." Now it was my turn to be mortified.
"No...NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO!" I yelled angrily. "Are you kidding me?!" Mabel shook her head. I through my hands up in distress.
"This is fucking stupid!" I hissed. Mabel put her hands over her ears as I let out a stream of curse words.
"Dude, Bill calm down. At least we know where they are!" Dipper said, trying to comfort me.
"No, I will not calm down. I WILL NOT!"
"Bill it's ok we'll find a way to get the powers out of Waddles!" Wendy said, putting her hand on my shoulder.
"It's not ok!" I yelped. "I hate this! I hate feeling so weak! So powerless!"
"Bill we will get the powers out of Waddles I promise!" Mabel spoke up. I started flipping out. What was I going to do!? Dipper began flipping through his journal. He stopped on a certain page and read aloud.
"It's possible to reverse the effects of the orb, and give it to someone else if this incantation is read and performed properly." Dipper searched through the page. "Apparently we need salt to perform this...Bill do you have any salt?" Oh God not salt.
"Uh, well you see Pine Tree salt wards off and hurts demons...of course I don't have any." Then I remembered the small bottle that Dipper had found in the cavern. "Wait, but you do! The amulet!" Dipper reached into his pocket and pulled out the bottle.
"Wait this was salt?" Dipper asked, confused. I nodded. "Ok then let's do this." We all began to prepare. I looked around for four candles, and Wendy went to find a match. Dipper set up a circle of salt, and Mabel kept watch on Waddles. As soon as all items were collected and the candles lit, Dipper warned me of something.
"When you get your powers back they won't return immediately." I gave him a questioning look.
"I mean that your powers will gradually return over time." I nodded.
"Ok." Dipper grabbed Waddles and placed him in the circle of salt. Then he began to recite a strange chant.
"Rewolf a elil mossolb meht tel dna rewop fo stirips eht eerf." Waddles began to glow, then the orb flew from his body. It landed just outside the salt circle. I cautiously reached over and touched it. As my finger made contact with the ball of light, a shock ran up through my finger, and seemed to travel through my body. It felt great, feeling the power returning to me...I felt powerful...I felt...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I've got some good news and I've got some bad news. The good news is there will be a sequel. The bad news is that one more chapter left until this books over. Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold bye

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