Getting Stuff (Not) Done

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mabel's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Come on, Bill." Dipper said slightly annoyed as Bill stopped to look at something else. He was looking into the depths of the bottomless pit.
"This is an interesting wormhole." He said. "No time passes in this one." Wendy, Dipper and I walked over to him. Just as Dipper approached, Bill reached out a hand and pushed him in. About half a second later, Dipper flew back out.
"Hey! What was that for?" Dipper asked angrily. Bill snickered.
"Just testing it."
"Well stop testing it and move on." Dipper hissed.
"Move on? Move on back into the pit?" With a weird high pitched giggle, he shoved Dipper back into the pit.
"Hey!" Dipper yelped falling back in. Another second passed and he came back out.
"You have no idea how much I'm enjoying this." Bill snickered. Dipper shot him a glare.
"How would you like it if I pushed you in?" Dipper growled.
"I'd like to see this happen." Bill snickered. With a huff, Dipper charged into Bill, hitting him in the stomach. Bill barely flinched. Dipper backed up embarrassed by his failure, and Wendy was laughing her head off.
"Bro Bro, that was weak!" I giggled.
"Then you push him in!" Dipper snarled, glaring at Bill.
"Ok!" I declared happily. Bill crossed his arms and gave me a sarcastic look.
"Best of luck Shooting Star." I smiled, backed up a couple steps, then ran at him. As I made impact, he slid back a step or two, but didn't fall in.
"Wow, Shooting Star I underestimated your power." Bill said, looking surprised.
"Mabel juice keeps me STRONG!!!!" I yelled, flexing my (nonexistent) muscles. Bill laughed.
"Wendy?" He asked giving her a challenging glance.
"Oh I got this!" Wendy yelled, charging forward. She slammed into Bill, and knocked him back a few steps, right to the edge. He tottered there for a second, then regained his balance.
"Good try." He said.
"Can we just get a move on?" Dipper asked, looking frustrated. Bill sighed.
"Calm down Pine Tree! Don't get your branches in a twist." Bill said, adjusting his top hat. Wendy chuckled.
"I see what you did there." She laughed.
"Ok let's gooooooooooooooooooo!" I yelled charging off into the forest.
"Mabel! Wait!" Dipper yelled. I ignored him and raced off. Bill and Wendy easily caught up with me and matched my stride. We charged through the woods, swatting branches out of the way. Surprisingly enough, Bill only tripped eight times before we reached a river, that flowed through the forest. Wendy and I stopped to catch our breath, as we waited for Dipper. We all sat down along the rocks, and waited for Dipper.
A couple minutes had passed since we reached the river and still no sign of Dipper. Wendy cast Bill and I an anxious glance.
"Maybe we should go look for him." She suggested.
"You guys stay here." Bill said, standing up. "I'm the tallest and quickest, I should be able to find him the fastest." Wendy and I nodded, and Bill raced off, tripping over a stone lodged in the river bank. Wendy gave me an amused look.
"He thinks very highly of himself, doesn't he?" I nodded in agreement.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I raced through the woods, wind flying through my blonde hair. I was glad I had enough sense to have left my top hat with Shooting Star and Wendy. Ah, I loved that feeling of exhilaration as your feet slam into the ground, wind whipping past, and the speed! I very much liked this fabulous human emotion. I slowed down a bit, looking for the trail that Shooting Star, Wendy and I had taken. I raced through the lush undergrowth, listening for the sounds that might show me where a Dipper was located. Then I heard it.
"WENDY!!!! MABEL!!!!! HELP!!!!!!" Dipper's panicked voice cut through the silence of the forest. He didn't call my name! How hurtful. I changed direction and charged through the forest, thorns tugging at my clothing, branched threatening to hit my face. So what? Pain is hilarious!
"Someone help!" Dipper yelled. I could see him now. He was in a small clearing up ahead. I leaped through the bushes, and landed in a patch of grass beside him.
"Sup, Pine Tree." I asked, nonchalantly.
"Behind you!" Dipper screamed.
"Wha-OW." Something tackled me from behind. I turned around to see the most hideous face I had ever seen....besides Little Gideon's face.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Anyway, I was bored and needed to update. So like check out mah new book. It's called "Random Stuff I Like." It's got Gravity Falls in it! It's really cool and funny! Remember, reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram, buy gold byeeeee!!!

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